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Chapter Five : Party

"Are you going to the acquaintance party?" Tom eyed me with curiosity in those beady ruby eyes of his--which is entrancing and at the same time irking me off.

     Well sooo sorry if I'm so hateful.

    I clicked my tongue at him and hissed. "Me? Are you even going to ask that?"

   I huffed, crossing my arms at him to prove a stupid point. "The last thing people would want is a "witch" who'd curse the party and make them all turn into slimy frogs and gremlins---which doesn't sound bad if you ask me."

"Plus, what would I benefit from it amigo? Would I suddenly be the "star" of the night with every guy gawking and having a mystery dance with a guy whose mask came from his underpants?"

    I snorted. "So what? Cat got your tongue bud?"

      He blinked, trying to analyze and sink in the words I just left hanging and then flashed me a chirpy grin. "You're chatty today. I'm taken aback."

   It has been a week since Tom transferred to our school. Of course with his charms and good looks--like every highschool book written by a hormonal teenager who has nothing but posters of their idols----

     I'm getting out of topic. Anyway, he immediately became popular by the blink of an eye and every girl would check him out when he didn't even seemed bothered.

Some people would be darting their piercing gazes at me, often whispering that I bewitched Tom, that I hypnotized him into being my friend and while they all chatter, no one could help it. Tom was always going to stick by my side, and that gave people the disadvantage.

    Not like I think it's a blessing at all. Oh please, I can shove him in a bag and hand it to you while you elope to the countryside.

"I'll go with you," he offered. I snicker. "No thank you. How about you invite some girl? I bet they're dying to ask you out. Plus, you'll finally realize that hanging out with me is not right."

He sighed, then ran down his finger across his slick ruby hair. "I won't go if you won't."

I shot a brow at him, frowning. "For the love of god--just go and stop being a whiny piss! I'm not your babysitter and I'm sure as heck not your mother!"

"But it's not fun when you're not there," he pouted and I cringed at his expressions--although some girls dig it.

I scrunched my nose at him. "Define fun, Tom. I sure won't consider fun when I basically push you away and say I hate you."

He looked at me intently and rested him palm on my desk, leaning closer to me. I squirm in my seat, pushing his face away from me with my bare hands. "I will make you go to the party with me."

I sourly laughed. "Oh you will."

. . .

I head to the rest room since I wanted to take a piss. I closed the cubicle and sat down when I hear the clicking of heels come closer.

I then hear one of them loudly say. "When are you going to ask out Tom?"

Another girl replies in a shrill tone. "I guess today. I just hope he'll go with me."

"Of course!" another voice beamed. "--Tom wouldn't possibly turn you down. Just look how pretty you are, Hannah."

Then this girl Hannah replies, sounding like a girl on helium. "But that Janna is on the way. Curse her! She's totally getting on the way."

"Knowing that she's a witch, she might've hynoptized Tom into being with her," she fussed. "--and I'm way prettier than her! I can't believe a girl like her would be my rival."

That's it. I flung the cubicle open and their eyes widened upon seeing me. They look away and pretend to fix their make-up, knowing that my gaze could curse them. I smirk, taking my rumors to my advantage.

I say in a low tone, purposely covering my face with my long hair as I croak.
"You know, there was a girl who died here. She hanged herself here because people were talking behind her back. I heard that she goes after girls who talk trash. If I were you, I might suggest spraying garlic on my body or that girl might come after you."

I added a creepy smile that might give them shivers. "Good luck."

And I walked out of the restroom as I silently laughed, tears forming around my eyes as I see the pale stricken to their faces. If they were really stupid, then I would be expecting them to smell like garlic sooner or later. I can't believe how useful my rumors could be sometimes.

I head back to the classroom, feeling all giddy but not enough for anyone to notice. I take a seat and feel Tom's eyes stare at me like I was going to disappear. I glanced back at him and he looks away, slightly flushed.

"You look happy," he pointed out, not looking at me.

I replied. "Oh really? When was I ever happy? And how can you tell?"

"I mean your lips are curving slightly upwards, your eyes look like they're sparkling and you're aura is brighter than usual," he points out and I hiss. "You're a weirdo, you know?"

"I guess I am," he murmurs and I stare at him in disbelief.

. . .

The next day came and I was in total surprise when I see the girl and her goons smelling like garlic powder. I try to hold my smirk as I watch them motion this Hannah girl to Tom.

Tom sees her and I could see in his face getting a whiff of the garlic smells. He smiles and tries not to show his scrunched face. This girl acts all shy, twirling her finger around her hair as she looks up to Tom for an answer.

Tom says something and the girl just stands there, awfully shock like the world just came crushing down on her. Tom heads towards me and I look away, pretending like I didn't notice.

I see him in my peripheral vision taking a seat. Then he pokes my shoulder and I hiss. "What?"

"Are you going to the party?" he asks for the fifth time and I resist the urge to throw a punch at him. So annoying!

"If you really wanted to go, you could've just went with that girl," I huffed.

I see the corner of his lips go upwards and I narrowed my eyes at him. "What?" I grumbled.

He grins wider. "Were you watching me?"

I sputtered. "W-why would I be watching you?! The world doesn't revolve around you!"

He gives me a look but doesn't say anything and I'm pissed off for the rest of the day.

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