Chapter Thirty-One - Feelings? Ha!

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Chapter Thirty-One : Feelings? Ha!

7 chapters left!❤


     I whirled my head to the side, feeling a tad disoriented towards reality. Oskar peers through me with a concern glance. "You alright? You've been spacing out."

      "I... I'm fine," I manage to mumble, staring at the half-empty library with only the elementary children reading some books.

       I don't know what's wrong with me. Get it together, Janna! But even so, that bothers me.

     "You want to vent it out?" Oskar waves a hand in front of me, his chill smile spreads across his lips. "---or else it'll be stuck on your mind."

     "I don't know how to explain it," I grumbled, feeling angst that I wouldn't probably be able to express this emotion with just words. "---but being alone with him makes my stomach twist."

    "It's like I'm constipated or something," I glanced over at Oskar with a distressed look. He doesn't seem to react or comment about it, and so I continued. "--I don't know. It's just that sometimes....I can't seem to be comfortable around him."

    "And all of a sudden, my eyes just close even without any further thought," I murmured, darting glares at the spine of the novel in my hands.

     "It's my body is moving on its own accord," I concluded, running a finger through the old-aged book, waiting for Oskar to say something. At least an opinion of some sort.

       Then Oskar bursts into a small chuckle. I eyed him in bewilderment with an eyebrow raised. Was my situation stupid? Or was something I saif stupid? I sighed, crossing my arms as I dart a glare. "At least say something helpful before you laugh. Geez."

    "Sorry," he tries to calm his small chuckle, wiping a non-existent tear on the rim of his eyes. "---it's just that you're naïve it's cute."

      "I'm not naïve!" I screeched, defending myself and all the more Oskar cracks a smile, eyeing me like I'm some test subject he's peering through. "---and I'm not as hell cute."

     "Do you want to know?" he lures, raising an index finger as if he was going to put a diagnosis to my symptoms. What the hell is with people these days?

     "Isn't it obvious? Do I need to spell it out for you?"

    "Well calm down," he reassures, doing some animated gestures. "---but I'm afraid I can't tell you."

   "Then what was the whole purpose of that?!" I scowled. "---you might as well tell me if you knew. It's like you're watching me trying to bite my tail."

    "I mean what's the purpose if you won't realize it yourself?" he looks at me meaningfully.

     I've had enough of him beating around the bush. I'm being patient here and Oskar just boils that. I sigh, reaching forward with my hands and pinched his sides--making him yelp. "Janna, stop!"

     "I won't if you won't tell me," I threatened, increasing my deathly grip on my sides that made his face contort into pain. 

      "Have mercy!" he whisper-shouted, knowing that there were kids around the corner. "--you'll feel better if you realize it in due time--Ow, ow! My sides! I feel like someone bit off my flesh!"

    "Burry my keyboard alongside with me, will y---I'm joking!"

     "Cut to the chase," I glowered, adding a sarcastic smile. "---or I'll rip off your flesh."

    "I give up! Let go!" he pleads and I immediately removed my hold from his sides to which he instantly raveled his shirt up, seeing his side for any bruises.

    Then he turns to me and sighs, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "Fine. I'll tell you. Just promise me you won't beat me."


    "You...." he cautiously eyed me, as if I was going to self-destruct by what he was going to say. I rolled my eyes, impatiently ushering him to finish. "---uhm, have feelings for...Tom."

   I reached for him and he immediately swerves back, dodging my hand. I raised a brow, retracting my hand back to my sides. "What...did you just say?"

     "youhavefeelingsforTom," he murmurs in a soft and weary tone, but it was enough for me to hear it.

     Silence. I stared at him intently if he was trying to crack a such cruel joke, but he only eyed me with sincerity and cautiousness. I broke into a small laughter, eyeing him in disbelief. "I couldn't possibly have feelings for him, no way!"

   "You're joking, right?" I wanted assurance from him, but it seems I wasn't getting the reassurance I hoped I did. No way in hell.

     "I don't like that pest," I eyed him in conviction. "---he's just that annoying guy that causes me trouble. Nothing more, nothing less."

       "I'm being clichè right now," he continued. "--but doesn't your heart ever raise when you're around him? Not to mention how you're giving him leeway."

    "What do you mean?"

     "You can't say no to him," he points a finger through my face. "--no matter how you hate it. Admit it or not, you like it when he's happy because of you."

    "Pfft," I snorted, putting a hand on my hip. "---you sure do like reading too much on things, Oskar. Could that be because of your love songs?"

    "Don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against romance, but me? Falling for someone? Highly unlikely," I smugly replied. "---I bet you this is probably some bug or something. This will be gone a couple of days later, just wait and see."

     "Whatever you say, Janna."

. . .

      I have feelings for him? Ha! That's the best joke of the year. The most ridiculous sentence I've ever heard in my life.

     I don't have feelings for him. It's just that he's always invading my personal privacy. Yes, he's just being overly touchy and weird that it makes me uneasy.

      "Guess who is it," a hand clamps over my eye, temporarily blinding me with its palm. I held my hand up and held his hand, then pinched it, making it loosen up.

     "At least change your voice if you want to fool me, idiot," I snickered, removing his hand over my eyes.

      I peered over my shoulder to see him smiling. There he goes again. I rolled my eyes, turning my perspective back to the streets with the cars passing by. "Why are you here? As far as I know, you can't just simply pass by the library by coincidence."

     "I wanted to see you, is that bad?"

     Thump. Ugh, what the hell? What is it now? This is all Oskar's fault, rambling about something ridiculous things. I do not like Tom. I will never like this guy.

    "Janna, wait up!"

      I will not.

Aug 8,2020

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