Chapter Forty : Tag, You're It!

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Chapter Forty : Tag, You're It!

    "Good morning Janna!" the idiot with bright beaming smile waves his hands enthusiastically as if I couldn't see though we were only a few steps away from each other.


      I grumbled under my breath incomprehensible words, my mood going downhill the moment I opened the door and saw his face. It's not his fault. I know that.

           But still. It kind of irks me and whenever I see his face, I get this immense distaste. No, I don't hate him. It's just that what Oskar suggested and his delirious words gave a lasting taste on my tongue.

     Rather, something distasteful.

        I stared at him, watching his smile stayed unfazed, remaining under the hot, scorching gleam on the sun. I sure did woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

      To make things worst, today was the start of preparations for the school festival. Thinking about it makes my anger grow  tenfold.


        Not only do I have to see this smiling, obnoxious boy--but I also have to communicate with people I couldn't give two shits with and have to deal with them. It's all because of these two scheming demons.

         Making a witch booth. Making me a consultant? What a joke. As if I was any good with giving advices. The last time I probably had given good advice was....never.

      Tom's face slowly contorted from bright and bubbly to a mixture of concern, his brow furrowed and his lips wry. "You alright, Janna?"

       "I'm perfectly fine. In fact, I'm happy..see?" I flashed him a sarcastic smile and I knew that it made my point when his face contorted into concern and relief.

      He shoves both of his hands underneath his jeans, all the while the other strap of his bag slung on his shoulder. "You're angry at me, aren't you?"

         "Angry? Me?" I say in a rather exaggerated tone, making it seem I was oblivious to it when it's obvious. You just need to put two and two.

        "Yeah. Definitely," he concluded without consulting me or my feelings.

       Damn. Am I that see through? Or am I just that sarcastic and vile you could immediately understand me like we've been together for years. Well, not really. He's only known me for what?--four, five months?


     It doesn't seem like a long time. But for me, if felt like an eternity. A rather miserable five months.

      I shrugged casually, making my way onto him with my shoes making a soft click. "It's not you. It's me."

       He tries not to break into a smile to pursue his melancholy act at the moment, but ultimately fails, making a smile come across his face. "You sound as if we're breaking up."

      "How so?" I looked at him bored, quiet restless this day by just the thought of being with strangers and trying to cooperate with them.

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