Chapter Seventy-Nine : Love Birds

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   Chapter Seventy-Nine : Love Birds

   (I apologize for the short chapter. I just didn't felt like writing, but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting.)

  Today is the 24th of December.

   That only meant one thing; and by one thing, I meant Christmas. I don't hate it, but I don't attain the same amount of adrenaline majority of the people have when it's Christmas.

      Especially when you're in a Filipino household. We Filipinos take Christmas seriously and extravagantly.  Relatives from close and distant sides come together and have a small gathering---which isn't so small if you ask me.

   I won't complain much because the cuisine is good and it's lively once in a while. There's spring rolls, banana ketchup spaghetti, macaroni salad, mango float and such. There's also some games and silly drunk people who sings in the middle of the night out of tune.

    And after that, I am left with the task of washing the dishes and cleaning up the mess these people made. It's so funnnnn, right?

      It is currently six o' clock in the morning and everyone inside--might as well be even in the neighbourhood, are sound asleep at the moment. Once they wake up, the stupid repeated Christmas song would blast through houses and the scream of little brats that are on Christmas break.

        I am currently sitting on the first step of our front porch, gazing at the foggy skies whilst I clasped my hands in a prayer, rubbing them simultaneously for warmth. The frosty air made my hair slightly frizzy and my skin frozen cold.

      I let out a yawn, narrowing my eyes at the house across us, watching the Christmas lights flicker back and forth in red, green, orange, pink and onwards.

   There was nothing to do. If I was being imaginative, then I would've thought I was the last person alive on this world and everyone else is frozen forever. A world of pure misery and loneliness. No one to hear you scream, beg and cry.

     I turn my head to the right when I hear a door creak, then it flings wide open and a blob of pinkish hair pops from the frame of the door.

    He peers outside warily, not noticing me sitting by my front porch, then he whips his perspective to me and I raise a brow. Why is he up so early?

   His eyes were still glazed over as he stared me with a stray lock of hair hovering over his eye and the entirety of his hair dishevelled from tossing back and forth in bed.

   He blinks for a hefty amount of time, as if trying to confirm with his eyes that I, a self-proclaimed night owl, is up at such a early time. How rude.
    "Is that you?" he murmured, his voice eerily low and husky.

     I snorted, cocking a brow to his direction as response. "Who else?"

    "Can I come there?" he inquired, still standing with bunny printed pajamas and his hands shoved by the small pockets of his pajamas.

    "Who said you can't?" I teasingly remarked, motioning him to come close with my first two fingers. Well I'm quite cold, so you wouldn't be bad to have some warmth emitting beside you; and...I need company.

    Wowwwww. Janna the freak wants company? Ha! How hilarious.

    "Why are you up so early?" was the first thing he blurted once he walked towards our porch and stood in front of me before taking a seat.

   Our legs were pressed against one another and I didn't want to put emphasis on it, but I couldn't help it. He's too close and it makes me quite anxious. I might smell or something..and he would notice too.  It would be awkward if he did, but even more if he pretended he knew nothing.

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