Chapter Six - Babysitter

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Sorry for not updating. Here's a chapter :)

"You know, my mother is wasting her money," Marco pipes up, his attention still glued on the 40 inch television with Attack on Titan playing.

I raised a brow, giving him a look as I wait for him to elaborate his words. He notices my gaze and mutters in a bland tone. "Why should she be paying you to babysit me? I mean, I might as well even babysit you, Janna."

I huff, crossing my arms as I rolled my eyes. "How nice of you, Marco. How about you shut that little mouth of yours?"

He smirked, making me pissed. "Nice comeback, hot stuff."

I really wanted to throttle this little kid. He's so annoying and rude that I want to give him a taste of his medicine. Instead of replying, I calmed down and grabbed my phone, focusing my attention to my phone.

I was currently asked by Marco's mother to babysit him. I mean by any means, I shouldn't even have to babysit him; he's so annoying and way clever for his age that he'll manage himself.

But I earn money just by enduring this brat and doing whatever I like while he goes on his way. If only I was a smart as him when I was young; when I was at his age, all I knew was getting wounds from playing around and have a bubble gum stuck on my hair which made my hair shorter and kids bullied me for looking like a guy.

"How's school?" he asked, after a long silence between us.

I stole a glance at him, then sneer as I divert my attention back to my phone, pressing random buttons as if it would entertain me. "I'm fine, mom. I really get along with those people and I have a great time with them."

He nudges me by the shoulder, a sour look plastered on his face. "I'm asking you here because I'm worried for you as a friend. I mean, Tom is there, right? It wouldn't be bad to mingle with him and be influenced with his bubbly personality."

"Bubbly?" I say in a condescending tone. "--more like annoying. He's always sticking by my side like a lost dog. I can't stand him!"

"I gotta praise him," Marco says in awe. "--I wonder how he managed to endure someone as negative as you. If I were him, I'd totally leave you alone."

I sourly laughed, narrowing my eyes at him. "That's the problem; he doesn't."

"You know," he gives me a look and I know that look very well. It piss me off since he's going to give some advice like he's outlived me. "---you need to atleast be kind to him--just slightly. He's the only one who stuck by you even if you clearly stated your intentions."

"He could actually change you," he says in conclusion and I roll my eyes. "It's not my problem. He's the one sticking, he needs to learn I'm not gonna turn like a softie like all those cheesy romance movies."

"This is reality," I stare at Marco, a frown etched on his lips. "--you don't understand how I feel since you have friends and isn't alienated like me."

"You don't know what it means to be alone."

"You're not even trying," he comebacks. "--you've given up about clearing your name or atleast making friends. Not everyone would understand you unless you let them understand."

I sigh, giving up as I didn't want to argue with Marco more. He's just too much for me right now. I don't want to get scolded by someone who's younger than me. I mean, the first few months I did try clearing my name, but no one would listen.

Why should I try when no one would understand me? It's like trying to climb a mountain where you know you'll never reach the top. You'll be stuck at the middle until you let go and give up.

I flinch in my seat when I feel my phone vibrate from my hands. I unlocked my phone and see the caller; an unknown number.

I contemplate whether to pick it up; either expecting a prank, a con-artist that will trick me into buying stupid stuff or a weird creep that would watch me from the windows. Marco points at my ringing phone. "Just answer the phone. I can't hear what Levi is saying."

I glare at him. "Even if you can't hear what he's saying, you won't understand anyway. There's a subtitle, you use your eyes, not ears."

"I know that, smarty pants," he glared black at me.

I groan and picked the call, pressing my phone to my ears as I wait for the caller to speak. I hear a shuffling of things. Then I hear a faint voice from the background; a woman's voice.


I respond from the other line. "Who is this?"

"It's me, Tom!" he says too giddy, like a dog who met its owner. I motion my fingers to end the call when I hear him blurt. "Don't end the call!"

I raised a brow suspiciously, my eyes roaming to the windows to see if he's there, standing. "How do you know that and how did you get my number?"

"Your mother gave it to me," he responded, then I could imagine that stupid smile reaching up to his lips.

I scowl. "I swear that woman---so, what do you want?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to talk to you."

"You're truly weird," I glare at my phone, hoping my glare reaches him. "--we see each other basically everyday, isn't that enough for you?"

"Is it bad to talk to you?"

"Yes," I repeat. "---very."

"Is that all you're gonna say?" I glanced at Marco who was staring back at me. "--if that's it, then I'm ending the call."

"You're no fun, Janna," he mutters.

"Of course I'm not," I hiss and press the end button even when I hear him trying to say something.

"You're hopeless," Marco speaks, then went back to watching his anime.

"I don't need you to spell that out for me," I crossed my arms.

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