Special Chapter - When I'm With You

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When I first met Janna, I didn't know what to expect.

All my life, I've been used to being talked about, always swooned by some girls and flirted upon. Wherever I went, they watched and as much as it flattered me, rejecting their confessions were hard.

I always had to guard my reputation and it was tiring. Most of the girls I've tried to confide in were just in for my looks. Guys often hated me and despised me so I was somehow popular yet lonely.

When my parents broke down the news that we were moving, I was somewhat relieved. Maybe I could start everything again. Maybe I could gain genuine friends.

Then I met her.

Her eyes were as dark as the night, eyebrows furrowed, lips pursed and glancing at me with a glare. It was the first time someone ever looked at me that way.

She said she hated me; she tried to push me away and say hurtful words, but her eyes couldn't lie. Despite that, I could see the longing in her eyes and maybe..maybe she actually wants to belong.

I didn't know what I was doing. Why I was sticking to her when I couldn't gain anything. When I could've grabbed this opportunity to gain new friends, but I somehow couldn't just leave her.

She resembled me--somehow. And so I stayed, enduring her words, her frown and glares.

I was glad I stayed. She didn't expect anything of me, didn't treated me differently nor had any motive. She accepted me for who I was.

As much as she didn't like to admit it, I knew she was happy. You just had to look deeper into her and you'll realize that deep inside she actually cares.

She's really bad at expressing her feelings. Sometimes it amuses me when she's conflicted or when she turns red for no reason.

Janna isn't really of a bad person; she's just protecting herself from getting hurt. She can be kind and caring when she saw a stray cat and fed it or when she offered to aid the elderly to cross the road.

There are times where she's also kind to me. Sometimes she'd let me get a bite off her lunch or would hang out with me despite her grumbles. She could've successfully shove me away, but she didn't.

I want to help her. I want to make everyone realize that Janna isn't that stupid witch they made her up to be. It would take time but I want to see her with a smile someday having friends by her side.

And I want to protect her. Because I like her.

"Quit your staring," she frowns at me. "--you're creeping me out."

I shake my head, letting out a small smile. It will take time, but I'm sure it'll be alright.

June 2,2020

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