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House- Any tbh

Guys I made a dead by daylight fanfic if you could check it out that would be cool! :) it's about Ghostface and an OC I made.  :3

First Person POV

Ginny led me down the moving stairs, almost tripping over her own feet as she picked up the pace. {Y/N} let out a noise as she leapt down a couple stairs to keep up with the redhead. "Ginny- I cant even- slow down!"

"You need to see this girl!" Was all she said in reply, not slowing down in the slightest.

"I can still see it but just slow down!"

Ginny ignored her friend and kept her pace up until they got to a corner, to which she halted making the young witch collide into her. Both grunted, but Ginny didn't care because she turned around and grabbed {Y/N}'s shoulders. "Okay, deep breath, you are gonna be so unbelievably pissed." Ginny said quickly.

"What are you- ah!" {Y/N} was shoved around the corner, only to see her ex-boyfriend, Draco, but he was standing to someone. A girl. And his arm was around her waist. The pair turned around at the sound of {Y/N} shouting when she was shoved, but that also meant the people around them noticed too. For example, Fred and George Weasley, who were merely a few feet away from the couple.
It was only when she actually looked at the girl who was standing next to Draco, in the face, when she realized the issue. This girl had the same eye color, hair color, and makeup and clothing style as her. They could almost be twins. Almost.
A humorless laugh left the girls mouth, making Draco look at her. His eyes narrowed and his eyebrows furrowed as she laughed. "What's your problem, {L/N}?"

She gestured to the girl, still laughing, and shook her head. When she finally stopped she looked him in the eye and smirked. "If you missed me that bad you could've called me."
"Excuse me?" The girl scoffed. "Who do you-"

"Don't even talk to me." {Y/N} snapped, returning her attention to the blonde-headed boy. "She looks like me. Dresses like me. Probably acts like me."

"I don't-" the other girl started to say but {Y/N} kept talking, now chest to chest to the boy. Her face was inches from his, his eyes on her lips. She could feel his breath on her own face.
"I know you want me, little boy."
Her words made him shudder, but he brushed it off as a laugh, yet he didn't move to step away from the witch.
"You can't even say anything back to me, hmm?"

Draco hesitated, it was obvious she was getting to him.

The other girl scoffed. "Say something to her Drakey! Tell her to back off!"
"I can't." The boy whispered. "I can't do it."
"And why is that?" The unknown girl asked, her voice now wavering the slightest bit. She already knew the answer.

"Because she's right."

With those words finally said, {Y/N} stepped backwards and shook her head, clucking her tongue. "You shouldn't use her just because she looks like me, Malfoy." Her tone was bitter. "She deserves better than that. She can do better than you."

The other girl looked at her stunned, why would she stand up for her? They didn't even know each other.
"Don't ever pull this shit again, Draco, or I will sincerely fuck you up. Do you understand me?"


"Yes what?"

"Yes ma'am."

Those words made the students around them gasp. The Weasley twins started laughing so hard one started snorting.

No one expected it. Draco Malfoy was being topped, or dommed, by a girl.

"Sweetie." {Y/N} spoke to the other girl. "I know that you like Toby. I also know that he likes you too. Go talk to him."
The other girls face lit up and she nodded, before racing down the hallway. The eyes landed back on the pair.

"Dray, come here." {Y/N} beckoned, wiggling her finger at the blonde. He listened and walked towards her so that she could grab his chin. She wasn't rough, but it was enough to proof a point. "Did she make you happy?"

"No. No she didn't." Draco spit out, unhappy that this was happening in front of a group of students.
"Manners." The witch hissed. "Just because people are watching doesn't mean you get to be rude."
"Sorry, darling." Draco breathed. "She didn't please me, miss."
She let go of his chin and his arms curled around her, and she buried her face into his neck.

"I missed you." She breathed so only he could hear. "So much."
"As did I, darling." He whispered back.

"Promise to never leave again?"

"Only if you do, darling."

"I promise." She said.

"Then it's settled." They leaned back and Draco traced her jawline.

"I promise."


This took an odd turn lol
Anyways, I'm gonna start to write a fanfic about Draco having a sister and she gets involved with Matteo Riddle so stay tuned for that! ❤️

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