{3} || Drunk Times

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My eyes were drooping by the time I decided to go home, I'd only had one drink, but my Merlin.. I'm so exhausted.
I had gone to the bar because I'd gotten in a huge fight with Seamus, my boyfriend at the time. We literally fought over everything, so I came here often, trying to make it go away. I don't even like alcohol.

As I stand up, pulling my coat on me I notice a very familiar platinum haired kid leaning against the wall, drunk off his ass. Draco Malfoy.
With a sigh, I sauntered over to him and gingerly took his arm, pulling it around my shoulders as I helped him to stand. "I'm fine." He hisses, trying to push me off of him but I just grunt and hold onto his arm tighter. "{L/N} I'm fine."

"Shut up for once in your damn life, Malfoy." I hissed just as we apparated away. To his house to be exact, it was summer time after all. Draco Malfoy, the Prince of Slytherin. If you didn't figure it out, I'm in Gryffindor, and so I didn't particularly like Draco. He's an asshole, but sometimes, just sometimes, he can be nice. Sometimes I think to myself, maybe I like him? No. I will never.

I gingerly lay him down on his bed, slipping his shoes off in the process, I pull the covers over him and sigh, grabbing my stuff off the floor, ready to apparate away. I glance at the note I left on his desk.

You were drunk last night, but I brought you home, again. Your welcome Malfoy. See you at school.

~ {L/N}

I close my eyes, preparing myself, but I soon feel a cool hand grip my wrist and pull, making me stumble onto his bed. I fall on my stomach on top of Draco, my eyes wide. "Malfoy-" I begin to say.

"Please don't go.." he whispers, looking me up in the eyes. I notice something immediately, his eyes are not dazed, and there is no alcohol on his breath. He didn't drink. He's not even drunk.
"Malfoy!" I whisper, narrowing my eyes. "You aren't drunk!"

"Please don't go.." he repeats again, his pale, blue eyes locking onto my
{E/C} [eye color] orbs. "I... I won't let you go back to him again.."

As those words leave his lips I can't help but burst into silent tears, ducking my head down as I cried. My body shook with each inhale, and I felt embarrassed. I don't cry in front of anyone. "{Y/N}, I'm sorry." He whispers, wrapping his arms around my neck, one hand pushing the back of my head so I bury my face into his neck. Silent tears keep rolling down my face, the more I thought about everything, the more I cried.
When I finish crying, Draco slowly lowers his arms so they now wrap around my torso. "Just stay, for tonight."

"Okay." I whisper, closing my eyes. For the first time in a long time, I feel safe.


I wake up to warmth cascading my body. Where the hell am I?! I flick my eyes across the room, until they land on Draco. My head was laying on his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around my torso, our legs entangled under the sheets. Dear Merlin..

I slowly pick up my head, glad that he was still asleep. I find a way to get out of his arms without waking him, my fingers curling around my purse. I pick up the jacket he must have taken off of me as I slept and pull it on.
Arms curl around my waist and I'm yanked back into bed, Draco burying his face into my neck. "My mother already knows you're here." He murmurs, planting a kiss on my collarbone. Tingles shoot through my body, and I involuntarily shiver, making him smirk into the delicate skin. "She was in my room last night, after you fell asleep. She wants you to eat breakfast with us."


"Draco." He corrects with a sigh, pulling away from me. "It's Draco,
"I'm sorry did you just use my first name?" I tease, smirking at him.
"Asshole." He mutters, sitting up. I blush almost immediately because, well, now I'm straddling the guy.

I go to get off but he stands up, holding me to his chest like a toddler. "Draco let go of me." I hiss under my breath, smacking his chest. Bare chest. Dear Merlin. "I have a boyfriend."

"You still want him?" He whispers in disbelief. "After what he did to you?"
I don't answer him, instead I stare at the ground as tears rush my eyes.
"I- Oh god- please don't cry.." he stutters, rubbing my back.

"No." I whisper.

"No what?"

"No I don't want him." I cannot believe I just said that. "I don't love him."

"Who do you love?" He asks softly, his blue eyes piercing into mine. I shiver again, and he smiles. Probably entertained that he has this affect on me.. arse.

"I-I don't-" I don't even get to finish my sentence because his lips hit mine roughly, his hands gripping my hips tightly. When he pulls away, I look down shyly. "I like you."

"Good." He murmurs, kissing my nose. "Cos' I like you too, {L/N}."
I giggle childishly as he sets me down, one arm curling around my waist. "Shall we go downstairs, girlfriend?"

"We shall, boyfriend." I say with a wink, and with that we had down the stairs.

Draco Malfoy|| One Shots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now