{14} || This Is Bad

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(Outfit above!)

!CAUTION! Steamy scenes ahead, not that bad, but still.

Harry held my hand in his tightly as I made my way down the stairs in my dress. "You look stunning, {Y/N}." He murmured, kissing my temple.
This is where it gets weird, I'm Slytherin and he's Gryffindor, but we are dating. You may be thinking, that's probably because you are one of the nicer Slytherins! You were put in the wrong house!
Oh honey, no, I fit perfectly in Slytherin, and I'm in Malfoy's group. I can be mean to people and my attitude is bad, temper included. Why do I get along so well with the golden trio? No idea.

"The Tri-Wizard couples are to walk in first." McGonagall said, shoving Harry and I into line. As we made our way through the crowd, I couldn't help but notice a pair of grey eyes on me. I looked towards Draco, my heart clenching. Stop that. I hissed to myself, forcing myself to look away. Stop. You have a boyfriend!

But oh my Merlin, I couldn't stop. I couldn't.

My eyes kept locking on his the entire night, poor Harry never even noticed as we danced together. His hand was placed on my waist, mine on his shoulder.

Poor Harry..

"I'm going to get us some punch, okay babe?" I heard him say, slowly letting me go and leading me off the dance floor.

"Yeah, sure. Thanks." I mumbled as Harry placed a gentle kiss on my lips before making his way through the crowd.
"{L/N}." I immediately tensed up, my eyes snapping up to meet the platinum haired guy I so desperately wanted to avoid.

"Dance with me."

"I can't-"

"I wasn't asking."

Draco led me out of the ballroom and to a quiet hall, his arms wrapping around my waist, mine looping around his neck.
"You are an arse." I hissed, narrowing my eyes at him. "Harry's going to freak-"

I couldn't even finish my sentence because Draco's lips hit mine, forcefully at first. I writhed in his arms, until my brain kind of spazzed out and I started to kiss him back, my fingers tangling themselves in his silky hair.

"Draco~." I whispered as he begun to trail hisses down my jaw, neck, and finally to my collarbone. His hands gripped my hips as we backed up, until I collided with a wall to which he just merely lifted me up so my legs wrapped around his torso.
"{Y/N}." He groaned out as I pulled at his hair, my head tilted to the side as he sucked on the sensitive skin.
My hands traveled down from his hair to his back, my nails digging into the skin as his lips travelled across my body.

Wait. Hold up. I have a fucking boyfriend!

My brain was screaming at me to get away, to stop this, but my body wanted so much more. I was conflicted.
My brain was traumatized, my body arched and my fingers dug into his skin, a moan slipping from my lips.

Forgive me.

Draco kissed his way back up to my lips, which I happily accepted and pressed myself harder into him, before tearing myself away and sucking on his skin for a change.
For once in my life, I'm so happy that Pansy interrupted us.
"What the hell?!" Her voice screeched, making me immediately pull away, eyes wide.
"Get off of my Drakey you slut!"


"She isn't a slut." Draco said before I could, his eyes narrowed as he pulled me off the wall, but still hugged to his body. I was literally shaking. "You are."

"Drakey, she's messing with you-"

"Don't call me that, Pansy. Leave."


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