{75} Walking Sucks

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3rd person POV
House- doesn't matter :))

My demons tried to drown me. But they didn't know that I could breathe underwater.



{Y/N} sat in the bathtub, which was filled up to her chest with salt water. Granted, there were bubbles, but they had pretty much disintegrated into the water.

The sound of the Slytherin common room door sliding open shattered the silence in the bathroom, making the young girl freeze. She pulled her legs up to her chest, adjusting her aching muscles as Draco walked into the room.

He didn't even bother to look at her as he walked to the sink and wetted a cloth. He cleaned his face off of what looked like ash before drying his face off. Then he turned around.

"How was your day-" his sentence was cut off when she moved one of her legs and dangled it off the edge of the tub. Dray stared at her leg before looking at the other one, his eyes wide. "What. The. Fuck."

{Y/N} giggled at him and slid her leg back into the tub. "It was okay, how was your day Dray?"

"You.. you have legs." He said quietly. "You have legs!? Why didn't you tell me you had legs?"

See, the thing is. Lovely {Y/N} is a mermaid. She never told Draco Malfoy that her tail could morph into legs. He had assumed she was stuck with her tail. So this was quite a surprise.

"I know, but you see Dray. Walking sucks."

"Carrying you up 15 flights of stairs sucks!" Draco retorted, his hands pulling at his blonde locks. "Merlin, {Y/N/N}. You didn't even TELL me."

She snorted at this.

"I thought you already knew."

"Well, I'm not very educated on mermaids!"

"Sucks to be you then." She giggled.

"I swear to Merlin. I'm going to strangle you!"

{Y/N} stood up in the tub, to which Draco immediately turned away. "Holy shit. Dude. You're naked."


"You could've warned me you were going to stand up!"

The young mermaid didn't reply. She just stepped out onto the rug, grabbed Draco's Slytherin robe from the door, and wrapped herself up into it. "You can look now."
Draco turned around. "You're going to ruin my robe!"

"Quit being such a girl Dray." She chuckled. "It's just salt water."

He made a face and grabbed her wrists, pulling the girl flush against his body. "You're lucky you're cute. Or I'd hurt you." He breathed out, making her smirk.
"I wish I could say the same about you, Draco."

He rose an eyebrow. "Whatever do you mean?"

"You're a dork. But I'd still hurt you if I wanted."

"How peculiar." He stated.

"But I don't want to hurt you, I want to do this." And then she leaned forward and connected their lips. Draco was taken by surprise, his eyes wide as the girl wrapped her arms around his neck, his hands slipping around her waist. When she pulled back, he opened his mouth to speak.

"I was not expecting that."

"That's because you don't know what girls act like when they like a guy."

Draco's hand slipped down to the back of her thighs and he picked her up, her legs wrapping around his waist tightly as he brought her close to him. "You're right. But now I know."

His eyes flickered down towards her legs and he grinned. "I might be happy that you have legs now,

"Do not get cocky, Malfoy." She chuckled.

He grinned at her and pecked her lips. "Too late." And then he walked towards his dorm and dropped her onto his bed. "Now, let's cuddle."

She couldn't help but smile up at the boy she loved.

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