{45} I'm A Black

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You are Sirius Blacks daughter, and a Gryffindor.

Y o u r P O V

I followed Oliver Wood closely as he led the quidditch team to the field, only to discover the Slytherin Team on the field, ready to practice. Flint said something about training a new Seeker, which turned out to be Malfoy. "I also have to train a newbie, Flint." Wood said sternly, gesturing to me. I stood next to Harry, holding onto my broom tightly as I stared down Flint.
He only handed Wood a note, from Snape of course. They had permission. I took a step back as the golden trio and Malfoy begun to argue. Malfoy was going to be the new seeker. Hermione said something about getting in with pure talent, which was pointed towards Harry. Then Ron tried to use his broken wand, which made the spell rebound and hit him instead, so now he's throwing up slugs.
Just as Malfoy took a step towards the three to do more damage, I shoved past Wood and stepped in front of the blonde haired boy. Wood had ahold of my wrist, which Malfoy saw so I yanked my arm away and sent Oliver a glare. "Don't even think about it Malfoy."
"Got a girlfriend Potter? Weasley?" Malfoy hissed, making Harry look over at me and widen his eyes.
"{Y/N} isn't my girlfriend, she's my god sister." Harry said defensively, while Ron could only throw up another slug.

"Shove off Malfoy." I yanked my wand out and pressed it against his throat. Malfoy's face twisted into a scowl, while his eyes were full of fear. Instead of backing down, he stepped forward and grabbed my wand out of my hand and shoved me to the ground. As soon as I hit the ground, Harry had leapt to his feet and was trying to yell something to Malfoy, but he was far too late. I looked at my god brother, my eyes turning gold, an apologetic look on my face. Oliver held onto my arm again, Harry grabbing the other. They both knew.
Sirius Black, my father, is an animagus. Because of that reason, I took so much time just learning how to acquire that ability as well. It took a few years, but it was worth it. My patronus, is a wolf, as is my Animagus. I was lucky enough to get the same one as him.

Draco's face dropped when I looked back at the Slytherin team, my eyes darkening with each passing second, the next thing I knew I had shifted into my wolf. A growl tore itself from my throat and I launched myself towards Draco Malfoy. Hermione shouted a spell, knocking me to the side. This must've snapped me out of it, because I stood up and took off running the other way.


I watched in awe as {Y/N} Black took off running to the forbidden forest, her wolf is so beautiful.. Oliver made a groaning sound when she dodged behind a tree, making me look back at him. Flint was holding onto my broom, my team was silent, Potter was glaring at me, Weasley was puking, and Granger had her wand out. She had yelled something at {Y/N}. A spell. But what?
"I've gotta go." The words fell out of my mouth before I even thought about it, I mounted my broom and took off towards the forest.


I watched as Malfoy flew after my god sister, my stomach curling making me want to puke. But at the same time I didn't fear for {Y/N}. She could protect herself, and I do not think Malfoy would dare to hurt her. "Harry, Hagrid." Hermione whispered, gesturing to Ron. I nodded my head and helped the redhead up.


I must've fallen asleep, because when I woke up there was a robe over my body, and not just any robe. A Slytherin robe.
I sat up faster then light, holding the robe to my body tightly. Malfoy was passed out, his robe propped up against a tree as he slept. His hair was messy, his eyes had bags under them, and he was snoring quietly. His robe was on me?
I stood up, thanking Merlin that when I shift my underwear and sports bra don't rip up like the rest of my clothes, they stay on. I slipped the robe on over my undergarments, tucking it tightly so it would cover most of my body.

I made my way towards the sleeping boy, my eyes drifting towards his broom that I could take. I could leave him here.
I could make him scared and abandon him.

Shaking my head, I decided on waking the sleeping boy up, so I begun to poke him and shake him. Dra-Malfoy stirred in his sleep, his eyes finally peeking open. His head shot up, eyes widened at the sight of me, and I gasped, falling backwards. When I fell, the robe unraveled revealing the whole front of my body, to which I immediately knew he'd drool over so I bursted into tears and tried desperately to grip the thin fabric. Hands gripped mine and I was pulled to my feet, Draco was wrapping the robe back around me, his eyes glued onto mine. Not once did he look down, his eyes never wavered from mine.
"Calm down Black." He murmured, picking me up into his arms. "I'm not that much of a dog."

Draco picked up his broom and climbed on, allowing me to climb in after him. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he lifted off from the ground and flew back to the castle grounds, the closer he got the more I begun to tremble and tighten my grasp. Surprisingly, Draco turned away from the school and flew to the quidditch field. As soon as we landed, I was off of the broom and on the ground, face in my hands as I sobbed out. Draco didn't speak, he held me against his chest and let me cry. When I finished, then he spoke. "Stay the night in my dorm."

"I can't-"

"My father found a way to get me my own dorm, and no one will be effected by you being there. I promise."
"Promise?" My voice was quiet, and I was staring at the ground. "I'm a Black.."

"And I'm a Malfoy." Was all he said before picking me up and carrying me back to the broom, flying us to the Slytherin Common Room.

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