{6} || The Boggart

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I entered the kitchen, looking around for someone to pick on. No one was in the room, making a groan slip my lips. Come onnnn I'm bored!
"Hello?" I call out, making sure no one was hiding from me.

No reply.

With a sigh, I turn around to head out to the great hall, only to hear this sickening scream echo through the kitchen. My heart stops.
I whirl around, only to find {Y/N} on the ground in a pool of her own blood, choking and crying. Periodically, a scream would leave her pale, pink lips.

Where did she come from?!

"Oh my god! No!" I shout, watching in horror as the blood spreads across the floor faster then lava. I'm trembling, my feet frozen to the ground as I stare at the horrific site. "This has to be a sick joke.." I croak out, wiping my eyes desperate to make the tears go away. Oh my god.

{Y/N} {L/N} is dying.

I sink to me knees, slowly crawling forward and gripping her small, cold hands in mine. Why hadn't I done this sooner? "I'm so sorry for bullying you." I choke out, suddenly finding it difficult to speak. "I'm so sorry

She just stares up at me, her mouth open as she screams out in pain. Blood is on my hands as I try to stop the bleeding. "Please." I whimper. "Episkey."

Not even the healing spell would work.

I finally break down, tears traveling down my face as I sob out. {Y/N} stares up at me with {E/C} eyes, they are full with unshed tears. She trembles under my hands, whimpering as I cry things to her.

When, suddenly, from behind me I heard a familiar voice.



As I walk to the great hall, I pass the kitchen, and I'm surprised to hear crying and sobbing. It's coming from the kitchen?

Slowly, I open the door and slip in, only to see the Slytherin Prince himself, on the ground crying. Draco Malfoy, my crush since first year.
What confused me most, is my dying body laying in front of him. He's holding onto the thing, crying his eyes out. What's going on?

Oh my Merlin, it's a Boggart.

Quietly, I raise my wand and walk forward until I'm a foot away from the two. "Riddikulus."
The words fall out of my mouth easily, and the boggart changes shape to me, standing in my {H/N} [house name] robes, sticking my tongue out and dancing weirdly. Then, just like that, it disappears. Defeated.

Draco slowly turns around, his pale blue eyes full of tears. The rims of his eyes are red as he stares up at me in disbelief. I opened my mouth to say something when he suddenly leaps to his feet and crushes me in a hug.

"Malfoy." I whisper. "Why are you hugging me?"
Draco slowly pulls away, sinking to the ground again. I sit down in front of him, biting my lip nervously. A bad habit I've acquired over the years.
"I was so scared.." He mumbles. "More scared then I've been in years."

"You're fear is my death? What, so you cant pick on me anymore?" I ask accusingly, narrowing my eyes at the gorgeous platinum haired boy. Tears continue to pour down his face as he shakes his head violently, before leaning forward and using his thumb to brush my bottom lip.

"I thought you were going to leave me alone.... I can't stand seeing you suffering." He chokes out, squeezing his eyes shut.

"You actually care about me?."
Draco just nods his head, slowly leaning forward and nuzzling his face into my neck. He doesn't let me go for a long time, he asks me to speak to him, to just talk. He needed me.

I think I may actually be able to tolerate, Draco Malfoy.

I'm sorry it's short! I'm having writers block. *Frown*

I hope you're having a good day my little Wizards and Witches 💚🐍

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