{43} Look At Me

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I apologize beforehand

T h i r d P e r s o n P O V

{Y/N} eyes clouded over the further the Golden Trio carried her, blood gushing out of her stomach wound like a water fountain. She made a choking sound as she zipped her hoodie up, hiding the gross sight as they neared a certain house. Malfoy Manor, after the war. Voldemort was finally dead, but she was dying.
Hermione had tried over and over again to no avail, it was just purely her fate. Despite all of her dear sisters wishes to bring the girl to Mungo's, {Y/N} only asked for one thing. To see Draco.

Hermione Granger was shaking as Ron let go of her sisters body gingerly, he reached out and slammed the door open roughly. The whole house shook as Harry and Hermione carried the girl into try Manor, dread filling their guts. This is it.

"What the hell was that?" A loud voice boomed, and then Lucius Malfoy was charging over to the three, his own pale eyes narrowed. "Get the fuck out of my house- oh. Oh Merlin's Beard." Lucius stopped yelling at the teens when both Hermione and Harry lowered his sons girlfriend onto the ground, blood pouring onto the tile. "Draco!"
"Draco hurry!" Hermione choked out, finally bursting into tears. Ron tried to comfort the girl, but she could only cry. After hearing his girlfriends sisters voice shout through his house, Draco wasted no time and apparated downstairs, opening his mouth to speak. What came out instead was a sob.
He collapsed onto the ground and crawled his way over to {Y/N}, who was now even paler then him. Her eyes were closed, her lips a pale blue color and she was hardly breathing.
"Why isn't she at the hospital?!" He cried out, making the Golden Trio look at their feet. That's all they needed to do because he instantly understood and sobbed out again.

Draco gathered the limp girl in his arms, making both boys flip out and make their way towards the platinum haired boy. Hermione and Draco locked eyes, and she nodded once in agreement, her caramel eyes filling with tears again. "Save my sister, Malfoy."

Needing no one else's opinion, Draco apparated to the hospital of St. Mungo's, witches and wizard nurses staring at him until he yelled; "Save her!"

{Y/N} Granger was out of his arms and in a hospital bed within seconds, nurses hooking her up to machines and giving her shots. Others put a mask on her face, one grabbed a wand and held it over her.
A tall wizard came in and unzipped her hoodie and shoved her shirt up, revealing the deep gouge, no, gouges in her stomach. The sight made Draco sick to his stomach, and it also made him break down all over again, the adrenaline leaving his body. He slumped over in a chair and cried his eyes out, praying to Merlin she'd live.
One hour later and the wounds were healed, the blood had been cleaned up, and she was fixed. The only issue was that she fell into a coma and had a slim chance of surviving.

Draco stayed by her side for the whole month she was out, hoping. Praying she'd be okay, that she'd wake up and kiss him, tell him everything's okay. Hermione visited everyday, and the boys at least three times a week.

Until, finally, she woke up.

Draco was asleep in his chair when she did, to which she frantically reached over and grabbed his arm, waking him up immediately. "You're okay. You're alive." He choked out, feeling {Y/N}'s familiar arms curl around his torso tightly.
"I love you." She croaked out, tears flooding down her face. "I love you and I want to marry you, Draco Malfoy. I love you with my whole heart."

"Then we will get married." He murmured, stroking her hair and drinking her intoxicating scent in. He drank in her eyes, his eyes flicking down to her lips just as she leaned forward frantically and slammed their lips together. She tangled her fingers in his hair, tears rolling down her face as they pulled apart.
"Look at me." She whispered, making the boy look up at grin at her.
The look on her face told him something was wrong. Something very wrong.

"Baby?" He whispered, sitting on the edge of her bed. "What's wrong?"

"Please just look into my eyes, look at me." She croaked again, cupping his face in her hands. "You are the most handsome and gorgeous guy I've met in my entire life, and I love you so fucking much. Please don't ever forget me."

"Forget you?" He asked loudly, laying his hands over hers. "What are you talking about {Y/N}."

"You are so precious and important to me." Her voice was wavering. "After all of this is done, go to my parents house. They do not remember me, nor you, but your daughter is there."

"Daughter? What daughter!" He was shouting by now. "Tell me what's going on!"
"Azariella {Y/N} Malfoy." She sputtered, her head leaning back into the pillow. "She will recognize you, Dray. I love you."

Then her monitor flatlined.

Draco was screaming and sobbing when this happened, swearing at each nurse he could. What had happened? She was fine! Hermione tore into the room, sobbing too as she pulled Draco out of the room, the two of them hugging. "She was okay! She was okay!" He kept sobbing out. She was okay.

"I'm sorry Mr. Malfoy, Miss Granger. Something went wrong in the healing process, she died of internal bleeding around her heart." Was all the doctor could get our before Draco stepped away and apparated to the Granger Household.

He went straight in without even thinking, the Grangers trying to stop him, until he opened {Y/N}'s old room. In the center sat a toddler, around three years old, with long platinum blonde hair, pale skin, and {Y/N}'s {e/c} eyes. Her face, Azariella looked so much like her mother.
The two parents tried to pull Draco out of the room, yelling about the police until little Ella lifted her head up and grinned at him. "Daddy!"
She slid off the bed and hobbled over towards him, collapsing in his arms. Draco was sobbing by now, holding the girl to his chest tightly. She reminded him too much of her.

Both Grangers allowed Draco to keep his daughter, which he showed to Hermione who already knew. She smiled, tears in her eyes as Ella smiled up at the two of them. "{Y/N} had her when you were so busy fulfilling the dark lords wishes and shit, when you two were broken up. She made me swear not to tell you. She showed pictures of you to her, god Ella loves you."

"She's beautiful." He choked out, cradling her to his chest. "My little Ella."
When he said her name, Azariella snapped her head up and giggled, her eyes sparkling.

'Look at me.' {Y/N}'s voice rang out through his head, her eyes imprinted in his head. 'Please, look at me.'

I'm looking at you.

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