{26} || Angry Kisses

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•Y o u r   P O V •

(6th year)

I let out a frustrated groan while slamming my quill down, my eyebrows scrunched together as I glared at my parchment, hoping it would catch on fire.
"Problems {L/N}?" A smug voice asked from a few seats behind me, making my hands clench into fists.
"Stay outta it Malfoy." I hissed.

"Nah. Say, need any help? I suppose someone like me could help a blood traitor like you."

My vision went red, and my best friend must've noticed I was pissed because she grabbed my wand off my desk and shook her head. "Don't even." {F/N} said sternly.

"Shove off Malfoy." I heard a familiar voice call out, making my head perk up. Harry?
He gave me a grin, to which I smiled back happily and turn to face Malfoy with a sneer.

"No thanks. I don't think I need to go that low to ask help from you, a prick." I said with a smirk, just as class was dismissed.
I gathered all my stuff up and headed towards the great hall for lunch, my best friend and Harry already sprinting off together. {F/N} and Harry are dating, and it is adorable.

A sharp shove snapped me from my thoughts, making me drop all of my stuff. My quill landed on the ground with a clatter, thankfully the corridor had cleared out of people, so that left just me an my attacker. Malfoy.

I didn't need to turn around and look to know who it was. It's obvious.
"Can't you just leave me alone Malfoy?" I grumbled, gathering all my stuff up from the floor.
"Nope. Sorry {L/N}."
My eyes flickered up and they met his stormy eyes, and I swore my heart fluttered. What the hell.
"Piss off Malfoy."

"What'd you just say to me?"

"I said fuck off." I hissed, standing back up. Malfoy held his wand to my throat, his other hand knocking all my stuff onto the ground again. Malfoy pushed me against the stone wall, his eyes narrowed.
"You dare say that to me?!"

"I'm not scared of you." I seethed, my hands gripping the arm that was pressed against my neck. "I pity you, actually."

"I don't need your pity!" He shouted, pressing against my throat harder, making my breathing hitch. "You're just a useless whore!"

"I hope you mean yourself, Malfoy."

I know I wasn't helping myself at all. But I was angry.
Malfoy's fists clenched my shirt, his face now dangerously close to mine. "Watch what you say, {L/N}."

"Awh. Did I hurt your feelings?" I stuck out my bottom lip before sneering at him. "Fuck off."
He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by me holding my own wand against throat, my eyes narrowed as his widened at my actions. "Let me go. Now."
Malfoy slowly let go and stepped away, both of our wands still pointed at each other.
"You're making a mistake, princess."
I don't know why, but him saying that made my heart flutter and my stomach clench. Stop it body!

As soon as his first name left my lips his eyes seemed to darken and he stepped forward, his lips slamming against mine.

My brain wanted to be sick, it wanted me to shove him back and shout at him, maybe even hex him. Instead, I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned forward so that my body pressed against his.
Draco and I kissed for the longest time, my fingers massaging his scalp, pulling at his soft, blonde hair making him moan lightly. His hands gripped my hips, occasionally rubbing his thumbs against the bare skin which made me shiver in delight. Just the smallest touch, it effected me so hard.

"{Y/N}." He whispered hoarsely, pressing his lips against my neck. I tilted my head, my fingers tangling in his hair as I as pushed back against the wall, only for it to turn into a door. One that opened, let us in, and then closed itself.

We landed on a soft bed, Draco ontop of me as he pulled away just for a mere second. "The Room of Requirements." His mumbled, before leaning back down and planting his lips against mine again.
The room reveals itself to people who need or want it, and we needed it apparently because it had a frickin bed in it! The door had disappeared, but that didn't seem to bother Draco because he was unbuttoning my shirt.

Did I want to stop? No. So I didn't try to stop him, instead I helped him take my shirt off and then I undid his. As soon as his shirt was off, my fingers traveled along the cool skin of his chest, which was toned perfectly. My god. This bitch is in shape.

We peeled off the rest of our clothes, my legs curling around his waist as we made out, each of us leaving hickies on each other's necks and body. I had trailed kisses down his chest, which he fucking loved, believe me.

"Are you sure?" He whispered, placing a kiss on my jaw.



We stayed in that room all day, doing you know what.
Draco grew affectionate towards me throughout the year, even in public. He was not the shy type of guy, believe me. He would kiss me in front of guys who tried to flirt with me, and when Pansy or another girl tried to flirt with him I'd press myself against him, cling to him, do every annoying thing to show that he was mine.

Our friends accepted our relationship, however they weren't best friends or anything. The Golden Trio, {F/N}, and a few Slytherins accepted our relationship, but didn't get along together.

I'm so glad we had that night, all because of one angry kiss.

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