{71} I Just.. Died

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I had no idea that soulmates were a thing until I died. I remember what happened that day too. I was playing with my bestfriend, Draco, when something happened. His father stormed outside, screaming at him and I. Lucius said the same thign over and over again. "Mudblood! You are a mudblood!" His mother tore outside, trying to stop Lucius from doing something, when it all went black after he shouted something, his wand pointed at me.

And then I was dead. Except I didn't just move on, everything was clear to me. I had a soulmate who was going to go through some shit, and I was gonna help him through it.


{7 years later}

I was sprawled on Draco's bed, drumming my fingers against his pillow as I waited for him patiently. The door to his room slammed shut, my head snapping up to lock eyes with him, a grin forming on my face. Draco could see me. After his father became a loyal deatheater again, I was granted the ability to let him see me. Only he could see me though.

My grin faded as he stormed over to me, his hands gripping onto my waist roughly, making me flinch. Yes, I still feel pain. That's only because he can see me, touch me, and speak with me. He's my only weakness. However, he could not feel my touch. Only I could feel him.

"Draco, you're hurting me-"

"Shut up! I am so fucking angry right now!" He shouted, getting closer to my face. His grip on my waist tightening. "You didn't fucking tell me!"


"No {Y/N}, don't Dray me!" His face fell as tears gathered in those stormy eyes of his, his grip on me loosening. "You didn't...you didn't tell me.."

"How did you find out?" I whispered hoarsely, reaching up to touch his face. "I didn't want to hurt you, Draco.. I wanted you to move on.."

"Move on?" He forced out between sobs. "Move on from my damn soulmate?!" He moved forward towards me so that I was laying on his bed, flat on my back. He was positioned so that he was holding himself up, hovering above me. "My mom told me, {Y/N}. I just got a letter from her. I thought I was going insane because I could still see my 'imaginary friend'. She said there was more to it, but you are my soulmate."

My hands dropped from his face and I sighed, pressing them against his chest. "I died 7 years ago.. Dray. Your father killed me because I was a mudblood. I fought to stay and take care of you, so I became someone who only you can see and touch. I'm dead, Dray."

His face dropped and he started to cry all over again, his body now lowered against mine. I was quiet as he cried, my arms folded around him protectively. He was shuddering.

"Draco.. I am so sorry.."

"You didn't do anything." He whispered. "My fucking father did. He killed my soulmate."

"He didn't know."

Draco got up and grabbed my wrist, forcing me to my feet. He looked up at the ceiling, let go of me, and started to yell and cry. "I want her to be brought back to life!" He shouted, tears streaming down his face. "I belong with her and she belongs with me! I am not going to find another fucking girl! I love her, I want to be able to feel her touch. I want to be able to show her off as my girl!" His voice got louder and louder until he was screaming. "Do you hear me?? If you do not bring her back to life I will kill myself! I will do anything! Please!"

And with those final words, I sunk to the ground as my vision went black.


I woke up on Draco's bed, warm. So I screamed, because I haven't felt warm or cold in 7 years. Arms tightened around me and Draco made a shushing sound, burying his face into the back of my neck. He then kissed my neck, making me freeze. Then I started coughing because I had stopped breathing, which I haven't done in 7 fucking years may I remind you!

"Breathe love, please breathe. Merlin you scared me when you dropped like that, you weren't breathing or anything, I thought you were gone again. Forever this time!" Draco rushed out, before rolling me over and bringing my hand to his face. "I can feel you." He breathed. "{Y/N}. You're alive again."

Part two shall be coming soon loves! Should it have smut in it? ;)

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