{11} || Harry Potter's Sister

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(You two are twins)

I gripped my brothers hand tighter as we made our way through the forest, Stone of Resurrection in our hands together.
"Harry." I whispered, burying my face into his shoulder. "I'm scared. I don't want to die."
"I know {Y/N}." He whispered back, running his fingers through my hair. "This is the right thing to do tho."
We kept walking, the closer we got the more scared I got. I was shaking, tears were in my eyes and my heart was pounding in my chest. I, {Y/N} Potter, am going to die tonight.
"Harry? {Y/N}? What are you doing here!?" I heard Hagrid ask, clearly upset with our decision.

"Ah, the Potter kids, come to die." The Dark Lord chuckled, and I stepped in front of my twin, my eyes narrowing.
"Just do it."

"Fine. Avada Kedavra!"

Then all I saw was white.



Death Eaters made their way into the courtyard, my heart was pounding. I couldn't find her anywhere, {Y/N}, my girlfriend. She's just gone.

"Who's that in Hagrids arms?" I heard Weasley, Ginny, ask, her eyes wide. "Who is he holding?!"
"Harry Potter is dead." Voldemort chuckled, his posse laughing with him. "He's dead."
Ginny screamed and freaked out, to which the Dark Lord shut her up by yelling at her.

"Malfoy." I heard mudblood, Hermione, say softly. "{Y/N}."
My eyes flickered across the crowd to see my own father, holding a very limp {Y/N} in his arms, a small smile on his face as he laughed.
"Harry's twin, {Y/N}, is also dead." Lucius smirked.

I screamed out in anger before dropping to my knees, tears pooling from my eyes. He killed her. He killed my babygirl.
"Draco." My mother said softly. "Come here."
"Not after what you did." I hissed, my whole body shaking. They killed her.

Neville began to speak, just until Harry suddenly rolled out of the oafs arms, his wand in his hand as he pointed it at Voldemort himself. "Where is she. Where's my sister."

When his eyes landed on her, they clouded up and he lowered his head. "You killed her!"
Harry shot two spells, one towards Voldemort, and another to {Y/N}. Her body slowly lifted up from my father's arms and towards me, my eyes darting over to see Harry using his wand to get her to me. "Help her." He whispered, dropping her frail body in my arms.

Without a second thought I made my way through the crowd, away from my parents, I had to save her.
"Episkey." I called out, desperate to heal her. "Episkey!"
I lowered her onto the table, my wand hovering over her. "Please {Y/N}. Please, Episkey!"

Her blue eyes shot open and she looked up at me, her mouth gaped open as she struggled to breathe.


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