Dating Draco Includes,

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~ Lots and lots of hugs

~ "Babe. Stop touching my- BABE- Stop!" *as you constantly mess with his hair*

~ *smiling innocently* "shush you love me."

~ Him glaring at literally every other male that looks at you.

~ "I'm here princess, it's okay."

~ Lots of Steamy Stuff (wink wink)

~ He's mainly dominant.

~He's always touching you in some way. (Hand holding, hugging, kissing, hand on your back, etc)

~ Draco showing you a side of him no one else has ever seen.

~ "Babe. Babe. Babe."

~ you're trying to sleep and he wants to cuddle.

~ Draco can't be strong 100% of the time, so you will be the big spoon a lot and comfort him.

~ Complimenting each other constantly like a war or something.
- "Babe. Have you seen your eyes? They are the color of THE SKY"
- "yours is too!!"
- "is not!"
- "is tooooooo!!"

~ Staying up late just talking about life.

~ Tickle wars. Oh my Merlin.

~ Draco getting upset when you are paying attention to your animal more.
- "Babe. I need cuddles too"

~ Draco loving to watch you dance weirdly and sing.

~ Watching Disney Movies together until 3am.

~So, So many kisses.

~ When you're on your period
- "do you need anything babygirl?"
- "no.."
- "are you sure? I can get you-"
- "I just want cuddles.."
- "Okay I'm here!" *instantly cuddles with you for hours on end*

~ Massages.

~ Draco being over protective and territorial over you with every single thing.

~ "No! For the last time I'm with
{Y/N}! I'm gonna marry her!"

~ Draco holding onto you tightly when you cry.

~ You holding onto Draco while he cries.

~ Draco loves to give you piggyback rides and just carry you in general.

~ He stutters when he's nervous, but only to you.

~ He's actually romantic af.

~ "sing me one more song? Please baby?"
- "no."
- "but {Y/N} ughhhhh"

~ He constantly smiles for you.

~ You help each other mentally and physically.

~ "don't cry babygirl."

~ Draco watched you cook for months so he could make a meal for you.

~ Draco doesn't care for nicknames but you use them anyways.
- "But Drayyyyyy."
- "That's not my name."
- "Ok... Drakeyyyyyy"
- "{Y/N}. I swear to god."
- "Dray Drayyyyyy!"
- "{Y/N}."
- "I love you!"
- *long sigh* "I love you too princess."

~ Lots and Lots of S E X

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