{22} || Muggle Games

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I sat in the chair of potions class, my eyes cast downward as Professor Snape assigned partners. "Parkinson and Heartwood... {L/N} and Malfoy..."
He continued on and on but I stayed frozen in my seat, listening to Malfoy grumble and slowly make his way over to me. He plopped down in the empty seat next to me and set down a notebook with a thud, making me tense up.
"Relax Mudblood." He muttered, getting out all of the supplies to make the healing potion. "Now lets get down to business."

Oh my god.

Before I could register what I was saying, a phrase tumbled from my mouth. "To defeat the Huns."
Malfoy picked his head up and looked at me with a dumbstruck expression, his grey eyes squinted at me.

"Did they send me daughters." I heard kids from another table said, making me grin and look dead in the eyes. It was quite hilarious, all of the muggleborns in class shouted out;
Then we bursted out laughing, hunched over our desks wheezing and heaving.

"What the hell.." I heard Malfoy mutter, making me look up at him and crack up all over again.

"{Y/N}! Hermione! Harry! Taylor! Paige! Luke-"

"I AM YOUR FATHER!" The kid, Luke, shouted. All of the muggleborns cracked up all over again, crying from laughter.
"Stop!" Professor Snape snapped, making all of us shut up and gulp nervously. "This is very dangerous!"

"Much frightening." One kid mumbled, making me giggle and reply with; "such peril."

We cracked up all over again.

Draco continued to stare at all of us, as if we were crazy while Snape just got even more mad. "WHY?!" He shouted, to which the kid, Luke, jumped onto a table and began to dance and sing.
"Y! M! C! A!"
Half a second later, the muggleborns- including Hermione and I, jumped onto tables with the kid and danced.
Draco grabbed my leg, his eyes piercing into mine. "Get. down." He hissed.

Merlin... I was about to listen to him until some kid yanked out an iPod and began to play the Macarena.

One thing led to another and soon the whole school was filled with muggleborns in the hall, dancing to the Macarena.
Someone had cast a spell that blasted the song through the entire school, as if there was an intercom.

When we finally stopped going nuts, Draco was actually laughing. He was copying me.

Not that bad actually.

"See Malfoy." I teased. "Not all Mudbloods are bad."

"Oh shut it {Y/N}." He chuckled, spinning me around. "I'll get you back."

"Oh sure."

Silly boy.

Draco Malfoy|| One Shots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now