{60} The Reader

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third person
House- Any

{Y/N} followed Draco down the long corridor, her eyes trained on his lanky figure, how he walked. Confidence. He walked with confidence.

Moving faster, she held an arm out from her robe and edged closer.

{Y/N} {L/N} is a well known witch in hogwarts. After all, she was the only known reader in centuries. Millenniums maybe. She just has to touch the persons bare skin, and then she'd get a clear reading on them. She'd know everything there is to know. She'd know their secrets.

Draco Malfoy was the only person she really, really wanted to figure out.

Her fingertips grazed the back of his neck, and her eyes fluttered shut as images filled her head. Horrifying images. Draco was there. As was Voldemort, then his parents. The dark mark. He had one. Then his scream pierced her head, and she internally winced. Someone had hurt him.

She was halfway through reading him when cold hands grabbed her throat, and her hand was torn off of him. His grip moving from her throat, to her wrists. "Don't ever, try to get inside my head," Draco snarled, slamming
{Y/N} against the wall. For several minutes they stayed there, his grip crushing her wrists. Finally, his stormy eyes softened. "It's too dark for you."

Then he let her go, her hands shooting up, but she merely brushed the platinum hair from his face and let out a small breath. "They hurt you."

"Don't." He warned, his eyes hardening. "I'm not the same as you."
"Draco." She whispered, her hand hovering against his head. "We are the same-"

"Wrong." He retorted, smacking her arm away. "You merely adopted darkness. I was born into it."

"But you can get out of it, like I did." She whispered. "My father abused me. He made me who I am. He tested on me, he brought this side of me out, my power protected me. I read him so that I could destroy him."

"You can't protect everyone!" He rose his voice, slamming her against the wall once again.

"But I can try."

"Stupid decision." He growled, grabbing her throat again. "Now shut up, and leave me alone."

His hands, his bare skin touched her skin. Her head filled up with images all over again, and this time she latched onto his hand, and he was stuck. More screaming, more pain, more horror. Draco didn't want to live.

By the time she finished reading him, she was sobbing. Draco merely stared at her, his own eyes filled with tears. "I warned you, witch."

And then suddenly, she shut off her emotions. Just like that. She stopped crying and picked her head up. All of a sudden, she changed. She came back a completely different person. That is what happens when you read someone so dark, only she didn't know that. She came back with a new mindset, a new outlook. A new soul. The girl that once cared way too much, about everything and everyone, no longer cared at all.

She looked up at Draco and whispered; "I'm with you."

Draco could do nothing but stare, because not even he realized that he could destroy another human being. But I guess that's what happens when you read someone so dark, so hurt, and so messed up. It kills you.

Now his one goal, was to get her back.

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