{62} Trust Issues

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first person
House- Any

"Arm." I hissed, my eyes narrowing at the lanky Slytherin. Draco blinked once, his head tilted at my sudden outburst.


"Arm." I said more sternly. "Give me your arm."
His stormy eyes widened, but he held out both arms, his jaw tensing when I rolled up both sleeves, my eyes landing on the dark ink imbedded in his skin. "Why are you doing this
"I needed to know." My voice was hard and cold, my face expressionless. On the inside, all I felt was hurt. Hurt that he didn't trust me. Hurt that I trusted him. "Why?"
He yanked his arm away from me and pulled the black robe tighter around his built frame, refusing to meet my own eyes.

"It's too dark for you, love."

"Don't you dare." I growled. "Don't shut me out, Draco, I can help you."

"Wrong again."

"I trusted you." I whispered, my eyes falling soft, filling up with tears. "You didn't trust me."

"I'll never be able to fully trust anyone {Y/N}." He tried to reason with me, his head tilted up to me now. "Don't you understand that?"
"No." I whispered. "No, I don't understand because I fully trusted you. I told you everything. I let you in, and that was a mistake."
"No." He said quickly. "No it wasn't a mistake, please, I need you in my life."

"I should've listened to him-"

"Should've listened to who?" He asked quietly, his caring face now hardening. "Potter?"

"He warned me-"

"So you trusted him, over me?" He questioned, stepping away from me. "I can't believe this."
"Neither can I!" I shouted, balling my hands into fists. "I can't believe I so foolishly believed every single lie you told me! Did you lie about loving me too Draco?!"

"Of course I love you!" He shouted back at me. "Do you honestly believe I would lie about something like that?!"

"Normally I'd say no, but now I have no clue!"

"Merlin {Y/N}!" He buried his face in his hands for a second. "Why are you questioning everything I've ever done?!"

We were in each other's faces now, shouting, screaming at each other. And it was awful. I hated every second of it. But the words, the sentences, each syllable just kept pouring out of my mouth. I didn't have a filter, I was too angry. Too hurt. I was crushed. It was a dumb fight. I should've listened to him, trusted him, loved him. But I was blinded by every other emotion to realize that. In order for me to realize this, Draco had to shove me backwards and scream something in my face.

My back hit the wall, the air escaping my lungs as soon as I made contact. "You know what?!" He shouted, getting in my face. "We are done!"

Reality hit me.

"What?." I whispered, my eyes widening, all of the anger leaving my system. "Wait-"

"No. No, I'm not listening to you. Goodbye {L/N}." And Draco turned and walked away.

I stood there numbly, hands at my sides, tears pouring down my face as I watched him walk away from me.
I watched him until I could no longer see him.

My arms curled around my torso and I hugged myself, a sob racking itself from my chest. I crumpled to the ground. Boom! I sunk down.

I just kept crying and crying. That's all I could do.

I didn't stop crying until I felt hands grab my arms and hoist me onto my feet, my eyes snapping open to see Blaise Zabini, his usual disgusted face, soft. He whispered something to me, but I didn't hear him. He tried to walk forward, but when I stumbled to the side he lifted me up bridal style and whispered something into my ear. I don't remember what he said, all I did was lean my head against his chest and I fell asleep.


When I woke up, I was on a bed in the Slytherin Common Room, which was startling I'll admit. I bolted up and looked around wildly, my head snapping to the right at the sound of a door slamming shut. Blaise stood there silently, his brown eyes watching me carefully. "Are you okay?"

I thought about it for a moment, before shaking my head. My face crumpled. Blaise sprinted to me and cupped my face into his hands, allowing me to bury myself into his chest. I cried into his shirt, and I was not proud of it.

The door slammed again, but I didn't look this time. I didn't look until I heard his voice. "What the hell are you doing Zabini?"
Draco's voice was hoarse and shaky, but he must not have seen me until he walked to the end of the bed and saw my shuddering figure. He was quiet for a moment.

"It's not what it looks like bro." Blaise said slowly, rubbing my back up and down. "I found her crying in the corridor last night, so I picked her up and brought her here. She slept in the spare bed."

"Blaise you fucking idiot." Draco hissed. "She was crying because we broke up!"

"What?" He asked, as if he didn't believe it. "You did what?"

"I broke up with her."

"You're the fucking idiot!" Blaise growled, pulling me closer to him. "Why the hell did you do that?!"

"Don't you dare judge me, you weren't there!"

"Guys." I croaked, but they didn't seem to hear me. So I shouted it, "GUYS!"

Both boys looked at me, I wiggled out of Blaise's grip and sighed. "Can you give us a minute Blaise?"

The friendly Slytherin got onto his feet and headed to the door, hesitating before he went out. "Hey, Thank you." I called to him before he left. "For everything."

He nodded once, and then he was gone.

We were silent for a long time.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I can't do this."

I got onto my feet and bolted for the door, but was stopped short by arms curling around my waist. Draco spun me around and slammed his lips against mine. It took me a moment to react, but soon my arms curled around him and I leaned into the kiss. We broke apart a little after that, panting and confused.

"I meant it when I said I couldn't lose you." He whispered, this thumb skimming against my bottom lip.

"And I meant it when I said I trust you, and I love you." I whispered back. "Draco. I just have a trust issues. We, have trust issues."

"I won't keep secrets from you anymore." He said softly, one of his hands running through my hair. "I promise."

"And I'll trust and listen to you more." I replied. "I promise."

I promise.

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