{4} || MudBlood

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My eyes are filled with tears as I tear myself away my Hermione, she's glaring at Malfoy with so much hatred. "You take that back Malfoy!" She yells.
"No, you filthy little mud bloods!" He sneers, and again I can't help but stumble backwards.
"You can call me that all you want." Hermione yells. "But don't you dare call {Y/N} that. She's done nothing to you!"

"I don't give a damn." He smirks, shoving Hermione out of his way, heading back inside. However, when he's passing me, he gives me this look. 'Sorry.' He mouths.

I look at Hermione in alarm, but she's got her head in her hands as she cried. I hate Malfoy with everything I've got.


We were sitting in the great hall, when all of a sudden Malfoy is standing near us. His eyes are rimmed red from crying, he's visibly shaking, and worse of all he's staring at me. I pick my head up and give him a weird look. 'What are you doing?' I mouth. Harry stands up, and then Draco is turning around and walking away quickly. "Harry, no." I say in alarm, grabbing his arm.
"I've got to go to the bathroom." He mumbles, pulling away from me and walking quickly after Malfoy.

Somethings wrong. Something is so wrong.


"Yeah {Y/N}?" She turns and give me a grin, to which I return.
"I'll be right back, I'm going to grab a book."
"Okay!" She says happily, perfect.

I stand up and rush out, before heading down the hallway the two boys went down. As I near the bathroom, everything around me seems to slow down. All I can here is crying, banging, and water splashing around.

Dear Merlin..

I slowly enter the room, and I immediately notice the water covering the tile. My shoes are now drenched as I take a step inside.
"Sectusempra!" I hear Harry's voice yell, and then Malfoy is flung onto the ground in front of me. My eyes are wide as he lays there, sobbing and groaning. Blood starts to soak his shirt, and the water around me starts to turn red.

"Harry!" I screech, rushing forward. I land on my knees, my hands pulling at Draco's shirt. "Harry stop it this instant!"

"{Y-Y/N}?" Harry stutters, slowly making his way towards me. My wand is on the ground next to me, completely soaked now, and I'm crying my eyes out. "I swear, it's not what it-"

"Shut up!" I cry out. "Just shut up!"
I slip off Draco's shirt, my eyes widening at the wounds covering his chest. "Oh my Merlin, Harry what have you done?!"

"Why do you care about him?!" He snaps, grabbing my robe and forcing me to my feet.

"I-I don't know." I stutter, my face contorting with anger. "You used dark magic, Harry!"


McGonagall and Snape make their way into the bathroom and usher Harry out. "Miss {L/N}." McGonagall says slowly. "Can you please-"

"No." I whisper, looking up at her. "I need to stay with him."
"Very well." She turns and walks out after Harry.

"Move." Snape says quickly, his wand pulled out. He begins to murmur incoherent words, and the blood starts to seep back into Draco's body. Im crying silent tears, my hand gripping Draco's tightly.
"You're gonna be okay." I whisper. "I promise you that, Draco."

"He's going to be irritated you know." Snape cuts in, finishing his healing process. "A Mudblood like you, holding onto a PureBlood."

My eyes widen at his comment and I immediately drop Draco's hand, only to find him gripping it tighter. I look down at him, to see his pale blue eyes staring up at Snape. "Don't you ever, ever, hurt her like that again." Draco says lowly.

"Draco. She's a-"

"I don't care." He hisses, slowly sitting up. "Leave us."



Snape gets up with a sigh and walks out, leaving me wide eyed and stunned. "Draco, you really didn't have to do that."

"I did." He whispers, gingerly cupping my chin in his hands, his eyes softening at my red eyes. "Because you are my mudblood."

My cheeks flushed and I looked down, fidgeting with his fingers. "So..?"

"So what?" He tilted his head, confusion written on his face.
"I'm confused." I whisper, dropping his hands.
"No, please, explain."

"What are we?" I whisper so soft I didn't think he'd hear.
"Boyfriend and girlfriend?" He questioned, his head still tilted. Draco grabbed my hands in his again and smirked. "I want everyone to know that you. are. my. mudblood."


I sat in the greathall, across from Harry and next to Hermione, eating my French toast silently.(I WAS ACTUALLY EATING FRENCH TOAST AHA)

"{Y/N}?" I heard Ron ask, making my head whip up in surprise.

"Why is Malfoy staring at you?"

"Draco's staring at me?" I look up to see him, sure enough, smiling at me. I giggled softly, lowering my gaze.
"You're calling him Draco now? Something happened." Hermione said nonchalantly, her eyes glued onto Draco's form.

"Maybe it's got something to deal with, you have a Slytherin tie on?" Harry questioned, making me look down. Holy Merlin.

My face turned scarlet as I quickly tore off the tie, my eyes finding the familiar blue ones. Draco is smiling at me, his fingers holding up my tie, which is tied around his own neck. He knew.

'You're dead.' I mouth to him, but he just winks.

"{Y/N}." I hear Ron say with a look on his face. "Explain."

"Long story short, I'm Draco Malfoy's Mudblood." I said loud enough for them to hear. "Now excuse me, I have a tie to retrieve from the idiot."

Draco Malfoy|| One Shots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now