{30} || Make Him Jealous

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(Your ex is Seamus, you are now secretly with Draco)


**just note the outfit**

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**just note the outfit**


I waited under an invisibility cloak, your heart racing as I heard Draco and Seamus argue. "People are saying you have a girlfriend now." Seamus sneered. "Well I don't believe you."

"I thought you'd say that." Draco chuckled, his hand reaching backwards, feeling for the soft fabric of the cloak. Thank Merlin, I'm freezing in this dress "So. You think {Y/N} is dating anyone yet?"
Seamus snorted. "Her? Definitely not. I was too good for her, everyone's too good for that slut."
I could feel my heart clench but I ignored the feeling, my heartbeat racing when I saw Draco's whole body tense up, so I reached out and held his hand, the fabric blocking me, but i knew he felt it because he gripped my hand and smirked. "Oh?"
"Yeah man, I think you and I can agree on at least one thing. {Y/N} is such a fucking bitch that will die alone."

Again, Draco tensed up, but I knew I couldn't easily calm him down this time.
So instead I did the only logical thing ever, I tore the cloak off of me in a rush and threw it onto the ground next to me. Seamus gasped and pointed at me. "Draco! The skank was spying on us!"

"Oh?" Draco spat out venomously, reaching back to grab my hand. "A skank huh?"

Seamus must've understood because his face dropped in fear and disgust, taking a step away from the angry Slytherin. I wrapped my arms around his torso and made a shushing sound, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Calm down baby."

"Y-You're? What? Why is she- how did-" Seamus stuttered, his eyes scanning my body up and down.
"Don't you ever, ever, talk shit about my babygirl again." Draco hissed, taking a menacing step towards my ex, who yelped and fell backwards.

"You changed her!" He suddenly shouted. "She's so much more prettier now!"
"He only knew how to treat me right." I said coldly, resting my body against Draco. "You ruined me. He built me up."

"I-I'm sorry, forgive me- take me back-"

"Never." Draco said for me, pulling me around him so I was now standing in front of him. "She is mine, Seamus. You fucked up." He bent down and placed a kiss on my lips, to which I replied gladly by kissing him back harder.
"She wasn't like this with me!"
Draco merely looked up at Seamus, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Oh?"

"She didn't kiss me like that! She didn't dress like that! She wasn't confident and spunky-"

"Maybe because you never loved me, and I never actually loved you." I cut him off, eyes blazing. "I love Draco with everything I have, and he loves me back."


"Shut up!" I snapped, jabbing a finger towards him. "I do not pity you, Seamus. I don't feel bad that someone else has 'yo girl'. I don't give a damn!"

"You have no right to-"

"Don't I?"

"Uh oh." Draco cackled. "That's
{Y/N} {L/N}, she used to be your girl, now you all upset because you know that she's with me."
"Shut up!" He yelled, cheeks flushing with anger and embarrassment. "I'll win her back!"
"When hell freezes over. When pigs fly. When Cedric Diggory (my baby ;-;) comes back to life." I said with a smirk, my eyes narrowing. "Aka, never, Seamus. Never."

"You will regret this!"

"Will I? Or do you regret it?"


"Leave." Draco said nonchalantly, turning both of us away and walking down the corridor. "We have nothing else to say to you."

"You will regret this!" He cried out once more, just as we turned a corner and Draco pushed me against the wall, his lips slamming against mine. He was being territorial, dominant, you name it. He was claiming me as his, and I loved every second of it. I kissed his jaw and smiled lightly.
"You do not have to worry about him, Dray, I love you."

"And I love you." He pecked my lips once more and then we made our way to the Slytherin Common Room, happy as can be.

Sorry this was sorta rushed :/

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