{55} Getting Over It

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House- Any

first person

My back hit the wall with an unexpected thud as my arms looked around his neck, our lips attacking each other in a frenzy. A boy I hardly knew, his name was Zander, had me pressed against the corridor wall.
His hands gripped my hips, his thumbs brushing against the skin lightly as he bit into my bottom lip, making a moan rise in my throat.
Our lips had just pulled apart, and he was attacking my neck when all too soon, he was yanked away from me. I wanted to whimper as the heat left me, but I held back as I met the eyes of stone.

Draco held the boy by his robes as he glared at me, before looking back at him and shoving him to the ground a few feet away from us. "Scram boy."

Zander didn't hesitate in fleeing.

I poured as I turned around and begun to head towards the room of requirement when Draco called out and said; "You can't keep kissing strangers and pretending that it's him."

My stomach dropped to the floor and I felt like throwing up.

"What did you just say to me?" I asked slowly, turning around to face the platinum haired boy.
"{Y/N}." Draco took a step towards me. "You can't keep pretending it's him. When you kiss those boys, when you play those boys."
"Shut up!" I shouted angrily, taking a step forward. "Shut! Up! You can't tell me how to live my life-"
"It isn't healthy." His voice softened, making me pause before replying with-

"It doesn't matter."

"He's not going to come back. Stop pretending, {Y/N}."
"Draco-" I warned, shaking my head at him, only, he didn't care.

"Cedric isn't coming back."

Bam. Emotion.

Tears pricked my eyes as I walked towards the boy, and I slapped him across the face, hard. The sound of my hand making contact with his cheek echoed down the hall, and Draco froze there, his hand touching his face lightly. "Don't ever, say his name again. Don't you dare think I'm dumb or in denial. Don't act like I don't know that he's dead."

Draco slowly looked towards me, anger and hurt written all over his face.

"I know that he is gone." My voice wavered as I spoke. Raw emotion dripped off each word. "This, is my way, of coping.

I turned around to walk away, and I had succeeded in getting a couple feet away from him when I was spun around.

Draco slammed his lips against mine, and I fell into a downward spiral. It wasn't a really bad thing, the only thing that was bad, was that I liked it. He gripped onto my wrist tightly, like he was afraid I'd fade away into thin air. Like I'd apparate a way. I kissed him back too, and when he pulled back, his face was soft again.

"Let me help you cope."


"Hear me out." He whispered, his index finger trailing against my jawline. "I can help you, I care about you-"

"Draco. I wasn't going to say no." I murmured, smiling slightly.

"Does that mean?"

"You can help me get over it."

"No more kissing strangers?" He asked.


"{Y/N} {L/N}."

I chuckled. "Joking! Fine, I won't kiss strangers."

"Only me." He whispered, before leaning in to kiss me again.

Only you.

(Its short, I know, I'm sorry. I have major writers block and I'm trying to keep posting for you dudes.)

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