{57} Insanity Pt. 2

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"Knock it down!"



The door shot open, and as soon as it did Draco shot a spell at the group of muggles rushing towards us, they all froze.

"Smart move baby boy." I giggled, running my fingers down his arm lightly.

"Learned from the best." He said softly, his voice making me shiver.

"You know it."

I stepped around the group of men and women, my smile widening as they watched me walk past them. Yet they couldn't do a thing about it, so I bent down to whisper in one of the female officers ear.

"You fucked with the wrong people."

A psychotic laugh left my lips as Draco grabbed my wrist and led me out of our house. The place I could let go of it all and just go crazy.
"Where are we going to go?" I asked quietly, shoving my wand into my (pants/skirt/leggings).

"Somewhere far away Angel."


"Shush Angel."

His eyes were focused on the city in front of us. The cars whirling by us. The people walking calmly to their homes.

He grabbed his wand and pointed it at a building, whispered a spell, and then a red light shot from his wand. It hit the building, and it exploded. People screamed, and my smile widened. "Oooooh good one my Prince!"

"My Prince?" He turned to face me.

This time, I focused on the group of people, my eyes lighting up.

A group of adults fell to the ground, screaming and writhing on the ground.

"Angel, don't harm them."

"Oh shush. I'm having fun." I snorted, lifting my wand ever so slightly so the spell wore off.

When I pointed it at another person, Draco grabbed my wrists and got in my face, his eyes locked onto mine. "Daddy said no."
"Cheater." I pointed out in a sing-song voice. "You can't use that word on me. It's an automatic pass!"
"Daddy said no." He repeated, his hand grasping my chin roughly. "And you will listen to Daddy."

"But I-"

"Angel." He growled. "Daddy. Said. No."

"There they are!"

I forced my head out of his hand and whipped over to see the same group of police officers, the female I spoke to pointing at us.

"Right there!"

"Fuck." I muttered, grabbing onto Draco's hand as I stepped forward. There was a loud bang just as we apparated away.

Where we landed? I will never know, because all I could focus on was the searing pain in my chest. I coughed once, blood spluttering onto the concrete, my whole world swirling around in wide circles.


"Draco." I whimpered, forcing my head up to focus on the blurry figure. "I hurt."

His arms scooped me up in one fluent motion, and he broke off into a dead run. "Keep your eyes open Angel."

"Draco, I-"

I didn't finish my sentence. Maybe because my throat hurt. Or my chest.
But it was probably because my whole world went dark.







My eyes shot open and I sat upright, my hands reaching up to rip the tubes that were forcing air into my nose.

I hate hospitals.

A doctor rushed into my room. "Don't move, {L/N}."

A smile wiggled its way onto my face and I let out a dry, insane laugh. "If you think that by just saying that, Ill freeze, my god you are so wrong."
I apparated behind him, my wand firmly in my hand. "I don't appreciate it when people hide my wand in their desks. I bet you wouldn't either."
He whirled around as if I were a demon and looked at me as if I had three heads.


"Uh Uh Uh." I shook a finger, my smile widening. "He'll find you."

"Who?" He whispered, his face paling.

"He doesn't like it when people, normal people, talk to me and try to hurt me. I'm not screwed in the head, I just see things differently then you."


"Ding ding ding!" I said in a sing-song voice. "You do know something!"

"He's in prison, {Y/N}."


"He is. And you are next."

I pointed my wand at him, my eyes hardening. "Wrong again. Avada Kedavra."

He shot backwards, lifeless. "Aha. Just as I presumed, Doctor. You were wrong."

I shuffled out of the room, my wand tight in my hand. "I'm coming for you Daddy."

And then to make it cliche, I let out a psychotic cackle.

(I'll make a part three. This was rushed, I apologize)

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