{34} Forced

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Y o u r P O V

I was just simply walking to the Slytherin dorms when I was suddenly shoved against a wall, a yelp leaving my lips as my back hit the hard surface.

At first, I expected to see Draco smirking down at me. So I was generally surprised to see a Gryffindor smirking down at me instead. I did not know the guy very well, but I did know his names was Connor.

"Connor?" I asked softly, placing my hands against his chest to try and shove him off. "You're hurting me."

"Shut up." He hissed, lowering his lips to mine. "Don't struggle, or you will regret it."
He slammed his lips against mine and I whimpered, struggling against his grip as he pushed me harder against the stone wall.

There were footsteps, and I turned my head just in time to see Draco turning away from us and quickly walking back to the Common Room, his hands in his pockets, and Pansy draping herself on him, smothering him. My boyfriend.
"Draco!" I cried out, my voice cracking as I pushed the guy away from me. "Draco stop!"
He was too far away, he turned the corner and I heard the door to Slytherin open, my stomach dropping as it closed and I was left alone with this prick.

Angrily, I shoved myself against him, making him stagger back and fall to the ground, my eyes full of tears. "Don't ever touch me again, you fucking bastard." I croaked, kicking him right in the crotch. "Ever."

"She made me." He choked out, covering himself from me. Instead of feeling bad, I bit my bottom lip as pointed my wand at him.

He shot backwards, allowing me to turn around and sprint to the common room, I quickly gave the painting the password before slipping inside. Draco was sitting on the chair, Pansy straddling him, her robes off as well as the rest of her clothing. Currently, she was only wearing undergarments as she sucked on his neck. Draco gripped her hips, his stormy eyes glued onto my {e/c} orbs, which were red no doubt.
I choked back an angry sob, holding my wand out to the pair. My hand was shaking.

Pansy slowly lifted her head up and smirked at me. "Well if it isn't the little whore." She chirped.

"Shut up you fucking bitch." I spat angrily, quickly making my way towards her, my wand now pressed against her throat as angry tears slipped down my cheeks. "You screwed it up! You hurt me!"

"I have no clue what you are talking about, cheater." She hissed evilly.

"Get the fuck off my boyfriend-"
"He isn't yours." She chuckled. "He's mine, and you cheated on him."
"I did not!" I screeched, throwing my wand across the room, it landing right in front of the fire place. "You set me up! Connor is horrible at keeping secrets, so once I kicked him in his balls he told me everything I needed to know you pug-faced man stealing whore!"

Draco was staring at us, his mouth gaped open as the practically nude girl got off his lap and shoved me backwards, holding her own wand against my throat. "Crucio."

I fell to the ground, a tortured scream leaving my lips as my head tilted backwards. Pain flooded my whole body as I cried out, my body convulsing. "Shut up you bitch! Cruciatus!"

Another wave of pain flooded my body as I sob racked my chest, my head tilted back, my eyes squeezed shut as I screamed out in pain. "Please just do it!"
"Do what." She asked mockingly, not once moving her wand from me.
"Kill me!" I sobbed out, death would be so much easier and painless then this. My body was shaking, my chest rising up as my back arched.

"Stop it!" Draco snapped, tearing the wand from Pansy and shoving her backwards into the chair. He bent down and lifted me up into his arms, quickly carrying my limp body towards the stairs. "Accio {Y/N}'s wand." He said quickly just as we reached the stairs, my wand slipping into his hand. He carried me to his dorm, shutting and locking the door behind him. Surprisingly, it looked like he didn't share a dorm with anyone.

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