{15} || The Astronomy Tower

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Dumbledore apparated back to the astronomy tour with Harry and I, making me dizzy because I do not travel with with apparation.
"Go downstairs and do not come up no matter what." Dumbledore said suddenly, so Harry and I began to make our way to the stairs.
"Not you, {Y/N}."

"But-" Harry began but he cut him off.
"Quickly now, Harry."

I sucked in a breath as I stared down the headmaster, my fingers brushing against the dark mark on my left arm. Does he know?

The door opened, and then I suddenly heard footsteps walking behind me. A hand rested on my shoulder, making me whip out my wand and point it at Dumbledore. I was shaking.
"Ah, Draco." Dumbledore said, as if nothing were wrong. As if neither of us were pointing our wands at him.
"Draco, {Y/N}, I once knew a boy who made all the wrong choice. Please. Let me help you."

"We don't need your help." Draco said harshly, gripping my hand tightly. "Don't you understand?"
"We have to kill you." I croaked out, tears gathering in my eyes at the thought of it. "Or he'll kill us."
My hand wavered as I held the wand out to him, my knuckles turning white.

"Draco, You are no assassin."

"How do you know what I am?!" He shouted angrily. "You don't know what I'm capable of, you don't know what I've done!" Draco shoved his sleeve up, revealing the tattoo. My world froze when he grabbed my own arm and did the exact same thing. "You don't know what we've done!"

Dumbledore began to explain every single thing we had done in an attempt to kill him. My wand was lowering.

I heard footsteps behind us, and then Bellatrix and everyone else was behind us. "Kill him! Do it!"
Then Snape came up here. Snape.. the one teacher I was close to.

"Severus. Please."

"Avada Kedavra." Dumbledore toppled over the railing and fell to his death, making me burst into tears. Draco and I were ushered out of the castle by the death eaters, well, we are death eaters too...

"{Y/N}! Draco! Snape!" I heard someone cry out angrily. "He trusted you!!"

Snape blocked it, his eyes full with anger and pain. "You dare use my own spell against me? That's right! I'm the Half-Blood Prince."

Harry sobbed out, his blue eyes cloudy with tears as he looked up at me. "He trusted you!"
"Harry." I whispered. "You don't understand."

Draco grabbed my arm and led me away from him, leaving him crying next to Hagrid's burning house. Deciding I've had enough, I yanked my boyfriend towards me and then we were in the Malfoy Manor, oh the joys of being a death eater.

After being in the safety house, I sobbed out and fell to my knees. "Why did I do that?! Why did we do that!"

"{Y/N}." He whispered, helping me back to my feet. "Please don't do that, or he'll kill you too."

"So what?!"

"I care! I care god damnit!" He screamed, grabbing my arm forcefully. "I actually give a fuck about someone!"

"Draco. Please."

"No. No."

"I don't want to do this anymore Draco."

His cold hands cup my face and he leans forward, slamming his lips against mine.
"I'm sorry, love, but you are a death eater now."
I need to concentrate on something else, and you, just gave me the best idea.

"Draco." I whisper, slowly wrapping my arms around his neck. "Distraction, I won't regret it."
"Regret what-" I cut him off my attaching my lips to his and leaping up, my legs wrapping tightly around his torso.
He groans into my mouth, my back hitting the wall as his hands grip my hips, his teeth pulling on my bottom lip. I won't regret it.

"{Y/N}." He whispered hoarsely, his grey eyes speckled with that bright blue. "Are you sure."


That's all he needed to hear because the next thing I knew, he apparated us to his bedroom, the door shut and locked. Draco threw me on the bed, climbing on top of me as we kissed.

I won't regret this. I promise.

"I love you." He murmured, trailing kisses up and down my neck.
"And I love you."

My fingers grasped the buttons on his shirt, to which I undid them and then slipped his shirt off, throwing it to the ground. My hands traveled across the muscles on his stomach and back, my heart was racing.
His fingers grasped the hem of my shirt, slowly slipping it off of me.

Too late to go back now.

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