{44} Or this

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ALMOST 1000 READS WHAT, I SERiously did not think this book would go anywhere, and yes I will be editing it soon!

Your house; Ravenclaw
Year; same year as the golden trio
Warnings?; Blood, kissing, the usual. lmao
Y o u r  P O V

My hand rose, shaking like a leaf in a storm as I knocked just once on the door of the Slytherin Common Room. The painting swore and yelled at me to leave, after all, why the hell would a Ravenclaw want into the Slytherin House? Well, my dear audience. My bloody brother had to go and get into a fight with Blaise Zabini. Me being the kind-hearted idiot I am, when Harry casted the certain spell that nearly killed Draco, I leapt in the way.
Idiotic move, I know, but Blaise is Draco's best friend, and I, dumbly, care about Draco, therefore I care about stupid Zabini.
The door I knocked on swung open in one fluent motion, revealing a very pissed Parkinson.

"What the hell are you doing here Potter. Leave." She hissed, and I noticed that her robe was messed up, her hair frizzed, and her blouse unbuttoned. Don't even get me started on the damn skirt, which was scooted up onto her stomach, revealing way too much skin. Wait, I didn't mean to say that. Oh well.
Pansys eyes widened when I blinked lazily up at her, finally noticing the blood that was seeping down my body.

"Oh Merlin's Beard {Y/N}. Get in here." She grabbed me by the arm and yanked me inside. The first thing I saw was an almost nude guy on the chair, and he let out a loud gasp as Pansy laid me on the couch. I recognized him as Caleb Quinn, a 7th year. Old for her, we are 5th years. He rushed to pull on his shirt and sweatpants, before racing up the stairs and his door slamming shut. Pansy just let out a snort, fixing her skirt before taking off my robes and moving my shirt to reveal the deep gouges covering my torso and back. "He was awful anyways. Not my type."
"Then... why did you.." I choked out, but she shushed me.
"I get bored, Potter. Draco isn't an option anymore. He's not my type anyways, and he refused to give himself to me." She bit her bottom lip as my blood seeped onto the couch. "Shit. This is really bad."
"It doesn't matter." I whispered, trying to cover my body. "I'm fine, thanks anyways."
"Shit {Y/N}. I don't want you dying on the couch, you are not okay! I may act like I hate you but I don't want you to die." She rolled my shirt back up, turned her head, and shouted up the stairs; "YO MALFOY!"
"Fuck, Pansy, no." I said quickly, just as footsteps travelled down the stairs.

"What the hell do you- oh Merlin." Draco kneeled down on the couch, shoving Pansy away. "Accio wand."
His wand shot into his hand as he held it over me and begun to murmur the same incoherent words Snape had used on him when my brother used Sectusempra on him. "The scarring will be there forever. Pansy, go to bed." Surprisingly, the girl didn't argue. Instead she simply nodded and headed up to her dorm.
"Who did that to you?"
"My brother tried cursing Zabini." I mumbled, my eyes drooping shut. "I jumped in the way, stupid, I know."
"Blaise is just stupid and cocky overall." Malfoy chuckled, his hand running through my hair. "He probably deserved it, next time don't jump in the way. You are in Ravenclaw for a reason, {Y/N}, use that brain of yours."

"Oh shove off Draco." I snorted, slowly sitting up. "Thanks for healing me."
"No problem, at least he didn't Avada Kedavra you, then I wouldn't be able to heal you, of course you already-"
Malfoy stopped talking when I rose my wand to his throat so quickly, it left a mark.
"Do not." I hissed, tears gathering in my eyes. "I know what happened. I was there."

"I never said-"

"Do not talk." I hissed again, lowering my wand. "I don't want to hurt you."
"You won't hurt me."
"How do you know?"

"Well," Draco kneeled down next to the couch again and cupped my face in his hands, making my eyes flutter shut involuntarily. "You wouldn't let me do this." He brushed his lips against mine. "Or this." He kissed my collarbone, stood up, and walked out. I was left on the couch, touching my bottom lips so lightly.

What just happened?

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