{9} || Fighting and Laughing

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I crossed my arms as Hermione, Ron, Harry and I all started to make our way to Hagrids. Buckbeak was destined to die today, all because of the Slytherin Prince himself.

Hermione sucked in a breath the closer we got, her eyes fluttering shut. "I can't do this." She whispered under her breath, but I heard her. Gingery, I rubbed her back and stepped closer to Mione.
"I know this sucks."
She opened her mouth to reply, but instead we saw Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle hiding behind a large boulder watching the winged beast.
The closer we got, the more angry I got. I would've said something, but Mione dashes forward, anger radiating off of her.

"You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!" Hermione spat, holding her wand to Malfoy's throat, who had pressed himself against the rock. He was shaking and whimpering, god what a drama queen.

"Hermione." I murmured, trying to calm her down.
"Hermione he's not worth it!" Ron called immediately after me, making her slightly lower her wand.
"Assholes like him don't deserve attention." I agreed, placing my hand on her tense shoulder.
Malfoy stared directly at me, his pale blue eyes wide with fear. I showed little emotion, sending him a frown.


Hermione slowly lowered her wand, allowing me to step back.


She punched Malfoy right across the face, making him cry out and swear. He ducked down and ran past us, bumping shoulders with me as they ran off like little chickens.
With a sigh, I reached forward and took Mione's hand in mine, pulling her backwards.

"That felt good." She chuckled, a wide smile on her face.
"That was brilliant!" Ron complimented, while Harry watched my reaction.

"But was that really necessary?" I asked softly, before letting go and running back to Hogwarts. I couldn't watch Buckbeak die anyways. I can't handle death.

I could hear my friends calling after me, but it was too late, I was already gone.


I was walking through the courtyard towards Hogwarts when all of a sudden, my robe was yanked and I stumbled into someone. "Holy shit!"
"Watch your mouth." A cold voice snarled, and instantly I regretted everything.

"Let go of me Malfoy."

"Make me, {L/N}."

"I swear to god-"

"You're gonna call your damn Potter boyfriend?" He snarls, shoving me forward. I land on the ground with a thud, tears glazing my eyes as I stare up at the blonde haired boy.

"I don't care what you have to say!" Suddenly, Draco Malfoy doesn't look all that strong. His eyes are clouded with emotion and he's shaking, his fist curls around the front of my robe and he yanks me up to my feet. "Why him?!"


"Why the hell would you go out with him?!"


He's got it all wrong.

"Shut up! You're in Slytherin! You're talking to him, he's our enemy!"


"I think you're brilliant enough to know that he is nothing but a scumbag. But obviously, I'm wrong!"
I keep trying to stop him, but he just won't listen to me damnit. He's overthinking everything.

"I'll let you know who deserves you." His voice softens and he pins me to the wall of the castle, kissing me forcefully. At first, I struggle and twist around in his grasp, but then I give in and kiss him back, my arms wrapping around his neck.

"Draco." I whisper, using his first name to get his attention. "You've got it wrong. I'm not dating Harry, never was. I'm not dating anyone."

"Oh.. well now you are." He leans forward to place his lips against mine, but I hold him back.


"I don't want you to hurt me, I'm scared."

"{Y/N/N}. I'd never, ever hurt you. I swear on my own life I'd never do that."

This time, when he leans down to kiss me again, I don't push him back.

Draco Malfoy|| One Shots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now