{8} || The Muggle School

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The dismissal bell caught my attention, making my eyes widen. A few clicks later and I signed out of my computer before getting up and dashing out of the room to my locker right outside. My fingers gripped the dial as I turned it three different times before it allowed me in.
My earbuds were in, the music blasting as I grabbed my stuff for my next class, choir. I needed my pencil and my music.

As my fingers grasped the thin sheets of paper, I felt an arm slide across my shoulders, making me smirk.
Slowly, I shut my locker and turned around, not even bothering to look at the person as I placed my lips against theirs. As I pulled back I gave him a grin.

"Merlin. I love your greetings." Draco chuckled, after pulling out one of my earbuds. "I missed you, I had to visit you."
"You aren't scared to be seen with a mudblood in her muggle school?" I teased, booping his nose playfully.

"Never." He whispers, before connecting our lips again.

"Hey! No kissing! PDA!" I heard the Spanish teacher, Miss Nayback, call out which made me groan out and slowly pull away from him.
"Sorry." I called to her, grasping Draco's hand in mine.

I led him down the hall, hand in hand. People stared at us, some even whispered, others had this look of jealousy in their eyes. I had to glare down some girls who were wandering with their eyes, biting their lips. "He's mine." I hissed, narrowing my eyes to which they quickly looked away blushing.

As we made our way down the stairs, Draco kept an arm secured around my waist protectively, whenever we passed a guy he made sure his hands were all over me. Something.

"Dray." I whined, sticking out my bottom lip. "Stayyyyy."

"Put that lip back in before I bite it." He breathed, his thumb brushing my bottom lips. "Merlin.. the things you do to me, {Y/N}."
"You love me anyways." I giggled, slowly pulling him into the choir room with me.

"Miss {L/N}! Who is this fine young man?" My teacher asked, her eyebrow raised.
"My boyfriend." I said with a shy smile, edging closer to Draco in reflex. She just rolled her eyes and grinned.

"He can stay, just no funny business."
"Deal!" I shrieked, jumping up into Draco, my legs wrapping around his waist.

He just merely laughed, his hands somehow finding a way to pry my body off of his and sitting me down in a chair, before taking the seat behind me. Draco scooted forward, so his fingers could graze the skin on my back.

He was comforting me.

One by one, people began to file into the class, both the guys and girls staring at Draco with a horrified expression. They know who he is, Draco Malfoy is a very powerful name. They were probably questioning why his hands were rubbing my back as we murmured to each other.

"Okay! Class is starting! Time for warmups!" The teacher announced, making me groan quietly and turn my head forwards, leaning my back against the metal chair. Draco continued to rub my back, periodically kissing the back of my neck or head. Cutie..

Turning my head, I saw my ex best friend staring at him with lust and jealousy in her eyes. She bit her lip seductively, before her eyes snapped to meet mine and she smirked. Without a single thought, I turned around and placed my lips against his lightly and quickly, knowing that he hated it when our lips hardly touched. He cupped my face and pulled me back towards him, our lips colliding.

"{Y/N}." The teacher hissed, drumming her fingers on the piano. "Stop."

"Sorry." I murmured, slowly pulling away from him.

Not really.

Class continued on, and he made sure to calm me down when I got worked up. When the bell rang again, I jumped to my feet and laced our fingers together before pulling him out of the classroom and back up the stairs, giggling the entire time.

"Princess." He gasped out. "Slow the fuck down."

"No can do Dray." I giggled, moving even faster as I dodged around people. I didn't stop until I reached my locker, and then suddenly my back was slammed against the cool metal. Draco encased me in his arms, closing me in against the locker with this glint in his eyes.
"That wasn't very nice, princess."

I just shot him an innocent smile, booping his nose again. "Oops?"

"Yeah. Oops."

"Well isn't it the Prince and Princess of Slytherin." A voice called out, loud enough that everyone around us heard. Immediately, Draco spun around and backed up, shielding me from the guys.
"Who are you."

"None of your concern." One chuckled, slowly reaching into his back pocket. I knew what he was doing, because at the exact same time we pointed our wands at each other.

"Ooohhh smart girl." He said with a cruel smirk, looking at his crew. They nodded in agreement, and then Draco was pointing his own wand at them.
"Touch her and you. are. dead." He growled. Oh my merlin, That was more hot then it should've been.
One raised his wand, a challenging look playing on his face.
"Don't think I won't do it." I hissed, narrowing my eyes. "I'm great at casting spells, charms, and curses."


"Expelliarm-" One began to shout, but I beat him to it.
"Conjunctivitis!" I shouted, aiming directly at the guys eyes. He shrieked, just as his eyes turned into a milky white color.

"Why is it black?!"

"She blinded you!" One yelled, pulling him backwards. "How does she know how to do that?!"

"Stupefy!" Draco shouted, and they all fell backwards, allowing us to turn and sprint down the hall. Muggles screamed, some even cried out, they moved out of our way as the wizards chased after us, Draco pulling me in front of him.
"Immobulus!" I shouted, causing one of them to fall over, frozen in place.

I screamed as Draco picked me up in his arms, cradling me to his chest bridal style. He leapt down the stairs and apparated away, landing in the Malfoy Manor.

"Why can't I have one peaceful day." I grumble, leaning my head against his chest.

"I'm sorry babygirl."

"Not your fault. They keep finding us."

Multiple Death Eaters want to find Draco, mainly because he left the crew to be with me.
He left Voldemort's army.

"I won't let them hurt you, {Y/N}." Draco suddenly said, placing a kiss on my forehead. I couldn't help but smile, slowly looking up at him.

"I won't let them take you away from me, Draco."

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