{39} This one is better

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•Y o u r  P O V •

Making my way through the courtyard, I was surprised to hear such a familiar voice talking rather loudly in the field. I quietly made my way towards the place to discover Draco, the goons, and a few other Slytherins. Blaise, Pansy, and a few other guys I'm not quite familiar with to be exact.

Draco mentioned my name, and right then and there I knew I would go seek out what my boyfriend was talking about exactly. The closer I got the more I could see, Dray had one hand against a tree as he spoke, propping himself up. The other hand was waving around as he spoke, after all he has a problem with speaking with his hands. It's cute.
"Aren't you a little bias?" I heard Pansy ask, her head tilting. "Surely she's not-"

"No no Pansy." Draco cut her off. "She's the best girlfriend in the world! Did I mention that she had cooked for me before? Don't tell mother, but my girl can really cook better then her-"

Blaise groaned. "Yes you already told us this yesterday Malfoy."
"Awwwh. Are you jealous Zabini?" Draco cooed.
"Nah man, {Y/N} ain't even my type. I'd never-"

"Watch what you say Zabini."

I chose this time to suddenly rush forward and sling my arms around Draco's neck, knowing he'd probably get into a fist fight again if I didn't. "Yay!" He suddenly said. "And she's so sweet too!" He turned around, one arm curling around my waist and resting on my hip, the other cupping my chin up so that he could plant a light kiss on my lips.
"Your adorable." I chuckled after he pulled back, ruffling his platinum hair, or rather messing it up.

"{Y/N}! No!" He said quickly, batting my hands away and struggling to fix his hair that was splayed in every which direction. "Don't do that!"
I merely reached up and did it again before running behind Blaise, who was wide eyed with his hands up in surrender. "Get back here!"
"Nupe." I giggled, and we ran around the group of friends until I tripped, falling face first into the ground.
Rather, I would have, but Draco's arms curled around my torso just before I hit the ground. "Don't run!"

"Draco you are a bit over protective." Goyle said, rolling his eyes in amusement.
"Shut it Goyle!" My boyfriend immediately shouted back, hugging me to his chest. "I just don't need her getting hurt, she is rather clumsy you know."

"And I'm also standing right here." I groaned, wriggling out of his grasp and leaning against the tree. "You git."
"You love me." He chuckled, standing next to me and then pulling me into his arms yet again.
"Ouch." He chuckled, and I just rolled my eyes.

"Definitely debatable."

I'm so sorry about the last one! This one is better I swear!

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