{27} || Jealousy And Music

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{Y/N} {L/N}, the girlfriend of Draco Malfoy was a half-blood. So she knew the arts of muggles, but more importantly, dance. She loved to dance, and Draco had no problem with it, until one day he had tagged along to watch her dance.
In the muggle world, {Y/N} was part of a dance group that posted videos on a muggle thing called YouTube, they would dance to songs and make a compilation of the clips, she was usually the leading role of these dances.

"Hurry up." She whined, pulling her boyfriend through the large doors of the studio. "I have to get changed!"

"You can't just wear that?" He asked, she was wearing jeans and a tank top along with her converse. Merlin, you should have seen the look {Y/N/N} gave her boyfriend.

"Are you nuts? No I cannot wear this!" And with that she stormed into the locker room to change, leaving Draco alone with a bunch of other muggles.

She was back sooner then expected, her hair was half up, half down, and she wore these black, baggy yet tight sweatpants and a green crop top like shirt with a sports bra beneath it, her shoes now changed too. They were a brand Draco was not familiar with.
"Okay, just stand out of the camera view and watch, we already practiced we just have to perform it today." She rambled, slowly giving Draco her purse and quickly making her way to the center of the studio where a group of teens had gathered in a circle.

Draco Malfoy had no problem with this, until he saw a guy around their age sauntering towards the center with a huge smile on his face. The stranger had dark brown hair and brown eyes, but Merlin he was tall and built. Draco watched in jealousy as his girlfriend flung her arms around the strangers neck as he hugged her back, laughing. They spoke to each other, but with all the other muggles talking, Draco couldn't make out what was being said. All he knew was this dude had his arms around his girlfriend.

"Okay, Okay! Positions guys! Everyone else, please show respect for your leaders!" A taller guy called out, the boss most likely, and then he nodded at the camera man and an unfamiliar song began to play.

Draco didn't know the lyrics, but
{Y/N} seemed to because she was mouthing her words of the song, her eyes glued onto the ground as the guy she had been hugging earlier positioned himself a couple feet behind her, his eyes also trained on the ground.
A few seconds of the song past when all of a sudden, her body stiffened and her head jerked up, her {E/C} orbs shining in the bright light being shined on them.

Her body began to jerk around and sway to the beat, then she turned and made her way to the guy, her hands trailing against the thin shirt he was wearing as she walked behind him, until both of her arms curled around his neck and it was almost like she was about to pass out. Had it not been for the guy catching her and he began to dance, Draco would've caught her. He had already taken a few steps towards his girlfriend, until realizing it was part of the choreography.

The two teens were dancing together, the guy had one hand pressed to her back, the other under her neck as she was slowly lowered to the ground, her back touching the cool floor. Draco clenched his fists when the guys hands trailed up her stomach, under her shirt. He knew it was part of the dance, but he couldn't help but feel hurt when {Y/N}'s back arched and she put her hand on the side of the guys face before he stepped away, letting her jump up to her feet.

{Y/N}'s hips swayed to the beat, her eyes now on the camera as they swayed around, his hands reaching towards the girl before quickly pulling back just as she stumbled to the ground. The stranger lowered himself onto her, both clearly concentrated on the dance and no one else. Again, the pair got back onto their feet and the song ended with the guy dipping {Y/N}, his hands touching her stomach as he wore a smile on his face. {Y/N}'s shirt has slipped up, revealing the sports bra and her baggy sweatpants were resting low on her hips as they panted. The group around them erupted in cheers as the two hugged, both of them laughing.

Angrily, Draco marched up to the two and tore his girlfriend out of the dudes arms, his stormy eyes narrowed at him. "Mine." He hissed.

The guy held his hands up in defeat just as a smaller girl with bright pink hair folded her arms around the guys torso, her caramel eyes glued onto Draco's. "Mine."

"Dray. This is Liv and Cam. Short for Olivia and Cameron, they are dating. Cam is just my dance partner." {Y/N} explained carefully, her hands resting on her boyfriends arm, attempting to calm him. "Cam, Livy, this is my boyfriend Dray, short for Draco."

"Pleasure." Olivia said harshly, her eyes narrowed at the platinum haired boy. "We'll be going now. See you tomorrow {Y/N/N}."

"Bye Liv, bye Cam."

"Bye hon." Cameron said happily, before leaving with his own girlfriend.

{Y/N} directed her gaze back to her boyfriend, who was staring at the ground in shame. "You little git! You little jealous git."

"I'm not the jealous type." Draco said softly, his hands cupping {Y/N}'s face in his hands. "But, whats mine is mine."
She gave a heavy sigh, her eyes closing as she buried herself into his chest. "I know, and I love you for that, but calm down please."

"I'm sorry." Draco whispered, his fingers running through her hair. "I am."

"I know."
She looked back up at him, a small smile on her face. "Because I'm right and you know it."

"You little-"

{Y/N} cut him off by slamming her lips against his with a grin, then pulling away and racing away from him playfully.

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