{73} Spooked

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{Your house doesn't matter in this story :)) }

I just want you guys to know that I love all of you. Your day may be shit rn, but it'll get better. I'm here for all of you.



Draco had been watching the young witch for a while now. She was sitting in a corner of the Room of Requirement, book in hand as she read quietly. She was humming a tune he wasn't familiar with. She was a halfblood after all. Her father was human, everyone knew that, and Draco should've been disgusted by her. Instead he was curious about the girl.

He crept closer, when suddenly a vase on the table moved to the right suddenly. The sudden movement made {Y/N}'s head snap up, and she looked at the yellow vase. Draco's heart was beating faster, as he was confused, nervous, and scared as to what just happened. She merely blinked at it before returning her attention back to her book.

Three loud knocks were heard from three different walls, making Draco jump onto his feet, his stormy eyes wide with fear.
The girl looked up at him and sighed quietly before standing up. "What are you doing here Malfoy?"
He made a face at her and ran his fingers through his hair nervously. "I was coming here to be alone, but then I saw you here."
"And then you heard the ghosts and got scared?" She smiled cockily at him. "How tough of you."

"Don't make fun of me." He hissed. "How are you so calm? Things are moving around and someone is knocking on the damn walls!"

"Yelling angers them." She merely replied, sliding down the wall back into a sitting position. "Keep your voice down, slytherin prince."

Draco's eyebrows furled, and he walked towards the girl. Her eyes left the pages of her book and she opened her mouth to say something when all of a sudden, a glass vase slid off the counter and shattered in between the two teens. Dividing them. It was like the spirits didn't want him getting close to her. 

She sighed for the second time and waved her hand at the glass shards. The small pieces shuddered before hovering in the air and molding back into the same vase as before. This time, it was a brighter colour and it was so clean and shiny. Draco blinked multiple times. "How did you..? You didn't even use your wand and it's like you made it 10 times better then it was before it broke!"

{Y/N} looked back down at her book. "Do not question things Draco. You won't like the answer."

"You don't know how I feel."

"Bet I do." She looked up at him irritably. "I won't make you leave, but please be quiet and sit down. They know you're restless. It's bothering them. Try not to express too much emotion, and don't act spooked if something odd happens. They will target you."

Draco opened his mouth to reply with a snotty comeback, but found himself at a loss for words. Instead, he sat down indian-style with his back against a cabinet, his eyes never leaving the girl. It was quiet for a few moments. Nothing happened, it was like the spirits had calmed down. 

Draco rubbed his temples and went to scoot towards the witch, but a stool slid forward, separating the two once more. 

"Why can't I get close to you?" He asked angrily. "These fucking-"

She shook her head and was infront of him in a split second, her hand over his mouth. "Don't swear Draco." 

Then both of their eyes widened as a gold coloured light came out of {Y/N}'s chest, shaped like a rope. She pulled her hand away as the light slithered towards Draco and went into his chest, making both kids inhale. It glowed brightly for a moment before fading away. "They didn't want me to touch you.." She whispered. "They knew... They knew that if we touched, this would happen.."

"What happened? What was that? I don't-"

She covered his mouth again, and when their skin touched, shivers coursed through both kids. {Y/N}'s eyes closed and she pressed her body against his, electricity spreading between them. "They didn't want us to know.. Draco, the spirits knew that we are soulmates. They didn't want us to know because they didn't want us to save eachother. Draco, I can help you. You can help me."

"What are you talking about?"

"Draco, my father wants me to shut down Hogwarts. Forever. It's destroying me, but you can help me. I can help you get out of being a deatheater-"

Draco leapt onto his feet, away from his soulmate. "You're insane!" He forced out. He felt the electricity and he felt the connection. It was overwhelming, and he didn't want to hurt her. 

So, he whirled around and ran out of the room. Leaving her behind.


I'm working on a part two :)

If any of you have any questions for me, leave them here and I shall answer them! I love you all!

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