{37} Blindness Sucks

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T h i r d  P e r s o n  P O V

You walked down the hall, one hand gripping your books tightly, your arm curled around it. However, the other hand was held out, making sure you didn't run into any poor first years that didn't already know of you and your defects.


You did that every day, a routine you have grown accustomed to. Each term, the first years learned of your ways and that you couldn't see, most thought all you could see was black. They were wrong.

With some people, and this is very rare, but some people had an aura. A color surrounding them, something you loved to see. It was nice seeing it, and no one had the same color, for example.

Hermione was a bright yellow color, like a lightbulb some may say. She is very bright.
Ron was this strange mixture of red and orange, like peppers almost.
Harry did not have a color, instead he gave you an unsteady feeling.
Ginny was this unusual purple/pink color, the color of lilacs.
Luna was a white color, strange really. It was the color of a cloud, some would say.
Blaise Zabini was a muddy color, one you dreaded to see.
Pansy Parkinson was another you also dreaded to catch a glimpse of, hers was a dark green, a sickening color, like vomit.

The colors went on from that, you couldn't see the colors of Seamus, Fred, George, Neville, Cho, Goyle, Crabbe, nor any of the professors.

One aura you could see that stood out to you belonged to non other then Draco Malfoy himself. His color was, at least what everyone says to be, the color of his eyes. A steel grey/blue color, some call it the color of a storm. The color intrigued you beyond anything else you've ever seen. You wouldn't dare tell him, but it made your day to see that one color.

When you made your way around the corner, heading outside for the free period to study and hang out with the Golden Trio, you were generally surprised to see that curious stormy color flash in front of your face. A cold yet soft hand gripped onto your own and led you away from the entrance, away from the outside world.

Draco Malfoy quickly whisked you away, never once dropping your hand as he stared straight ahead. His heart was pounding in his chest, his head reeling in on itself. What the hell am I doing? He thought to himself, almost angry. Why do I even care about her?

When shouting and screams erupted around you, you immediately drew closer to the boy who you wanted to hate. On instinct, he pulled you closer to him, an arm curling around your torso as he led you to the Room of Requirement. Once inside, he locked the door and sat down on an old couch, putting his face in his hands with a long groan.

"Draco?" You questioned, making his head snap up in disbelief. "Why have you brought me here? To the Room of Requirement?"

"How did you know it was me?" He asked in awe, eyes staring into your own milky white orbs. He was awestruck with you.

"This may sound weird, but on rare occasions, I can see people's auras. A certain color surrounds them, and that's the only color I get to see in my darkness, and dear Draco, you possess a color I can see." You explained, your voice soft.

"What color?"

"The color... of your eyes." You whispered, reaching forward to grasp him. Only, he was on the couch a few meters away and you were leaning against the door. Without thinking, the platinum haired boy got to his feet and whisked over to you, grasping your hand in his own. "You are a bright, brilliant blue. Yet you are also a steel, stormy grey color. The two combined make a wonderful combination, and that is the color I see."

Draco led you to the couch, the two of you sitting down next to each other with ease.

"You never answered my question, Draco. Why did you bring me here?"

"There's been an attack." He whispered, the grip on your hand loosening as he thought about it. "Damn dementors got in through the gates, began attacking students. You were heading outside, straight towards the chaos. I had to help you." He rambled, his cheeks now flushed.

"Relax." You chuckled, patting his arm. "Thank you, Draco Malfoy."

The two of you stayed in the Room of Requirement all day, at least until the chaos had passed by and it was nearly three a.m. by the time you got back to your Gryffindor Dorm. No one else was awake.

From that day on, when you walked you held out your hand even more so, hoping that the boy with the stormy aura would find you, take your hand, and help you around the castle. And most days he did that at least once, though when he was in a good mood he was constantly leading you to your classes, even if he wasn't in the class. Half the time he was late to his own.

Most people knew Draco Malfoy as a cold hearted, sarcastic, bully of a boy. However, you knew him as your nightlight. Your protector. Your Safe Guard.

He never let you down, he didn't let anyone hurt you or bully you. He never would admit it, but in a way he did love you. He always would.

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