{63} Empathy

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House- Any
Third Person POV

{Y/N} {L/N} was a very known witch. She was known for her skills, her patience, and her use of empathy. Practically every student got along with her, even if they didn't want to admit it, simply because she was nice and she was there for them when needed.

Draco found her emotional support almost overwhelming, especially with how much he needed her every single day. But, he soon found himself in love with the young witch, and she too was intrigued by the boy. The two started to date not long after they discovered each other's feelings, and she some how found away to calm him. Make him less of an asshole.

A few weeks after Draco told {Y/N} about his Dark Mark and his single task, she too opened up.


"Draco." The young girl whispered, setting her wand down on the library table. "Do you know why I show empathy and emotional support to the other witches and wizards here?"

The lanky wizard shook his head, eyebrows furrowing at the peculiar look on his girlfriends face.

"I help them because that's what I would've wanted. No, that's what I want."

"What do you mean?" He asked quietly, trying to keep his voice low and calm. What hasn't she been telling him?

"I also have monsters in my head." She breathed, just as a boy she knew very well stumbled into the library, disrupting everyone around them. It was a wizard that Draco didn't care to learn his name, but she seemed to care about him, because the moment the wizards hands gripped his throat,  a shuddered whimper leaving his pale lips, {Y/N} was on her feet and in front of him.

Her hands cupped the boys face, and she got really close to him. "Hayden, look at me."

The boy continued to gasp for breath and freak out, his hands resting on his throat, his blue eyes wide with prominent fear. "Hayden. Focus on me. Please, focus on my breathing, alright?" Then she begun to inhale and exhale rather loudly, and Hayden relaxed just the slightest, trying, no, struggling to calm down.

His breath synced with hers, but it was rough and short.

"Hayden, please. Focus on me."
{Y/N} pleaded, her grip on his face shifting slightly. "You are going to pass out if you keep breathing like that. Breathe with me." In. Out. It was simple, but for the longest time, it was like he couldn't understand her.

Finally, he matched her breathing. His eyes dried, and his hands slipped from his neck, his eyes fluttering shut in relief.

Draco bunched his hands into fists when his girlfriend pulled Hayden into a hug, the boy's arms curling around her waist, until they locked securely around her.

"It's okay." He could hear {Y/N/N} whisper. "You're okay."

The people, the kids in the library slowly went back to resuming whatever they were doing before Hayden bursted in, and Draco zoned out until {Y/N} was infront of him. Her {e/c} eyes were reddened slightly, and she was trembling. Her bottom lip quivered, and that's when she halfway collapsed into him, Draco's hands cupping her face like she did to Hayden. {Y/N} tried to keep her head down, but failed and let him hold her up as tears travelled down her face uncontrollably. "I.. I help people." She stuttered, her hands laying over Draco's. "Because I know what it's like not to have anyone when I freak out. I really want someone, and I can help them. I can help." She rambled.

Draco made a shushing sound, pulling his girlfriend closer so that her face was nuzzled into his neck, and he was breathing steadily into her ear, his fingers rubbing her back lightly. "I can help you." He whispered. "You helped me, now I can help you."

"I need you." She whispered. "I need you emotionally and physically, Draco. Because I can't do this anymore."

"Hey. Hey." He cupped her face yet again, his stormy eyes locking onto hers. "Yes you can. You are strong, and you are beautiful, and I'll never ever leave you. I can help you too,

I can help you too. Just hold on.

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