{61} Aftermath

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This is gonna be depressing. Yay. (*no enthusiasm what so ever*)

House- Any.

third person

Draco tore through the rubble, his hands torn and bleeding. He was hyperventilating, his eyes blurred with tears. "No no no." He rambled. "Potter you were supposed to stop me!"

Harry stood numbly, his wand at his side as the sight of his nemesis at his weakest point. "I-"

Draco let out a sob, his hands gingerly curling around {Y/N}, his thumb softly brushing across a cut on her cheek. "No no no! Wake up! Look at me love, I'm right here."
"Draco," Hermione whispered, stepping forward slightly. "Stop-"

"You were supposed to stop me!" He cried, cradling the girls lifeless body. "You were supposed to save the day! You had everything you needed to bring me down, Potter! So why," He choked, "Why am I still here? What went wrong?" Draco's voice trembled as tears began to fall. "Please wake up! I can't do this alone princess."

She laid there lifeless, her pale face growing paler by the second. Her usual warm hands, now freezing cold. She was not breathing, and her heart was not beating. Draco has struck her with a spell during the battle, under Voldemort's will. He had no control, and his killing spell hit her perfectly. {Y/N} {L/N} didn't have a chance.
Draco kissed her forehead lightly, his whole body trembling. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry princess."


"You didn't stop me." He whispered to Harry, who was being held by Ron. "You were supposed to stop me."

"I didn't know you were going to try and kill her-"

"I didn't try. I did." He cried. "I killed the one person who truly cared for me!"

"I'm sorry." Hermione whispered, her fingers closing the girls eyes. "You can pretend she is sleeping."

"She's not." He whispered, before breaking down all over again.

A few hours later, Draco and the golden trio buried {Y/N} under the whomping willow. Her favorite spot to be.

Draco never did quite forgive himself, and less then a year later, his fiancé Astoria discovered him dead in the bathroom. He was clutching {Y/N}'s locket to his chest.

This is shitty but I needed to update. I'm sorry.

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