{13} || Dementor

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"{Y/N}, you arse." I heard a familiar voice groan, then start to shake me all over again. "I swear to Merlin if we are late to potions again because of you I'm going to kill you!"
"Dracooooo." I groaned, shoving the platinum haired boy off my bed and onto the ground with a loud thud. "You aren't even supposed to be in here."

"Since when has that mattered? We've had sleepovers at each others dorms since first year." He complained, pulling the blankets off of me. "Get uppppp."
I made a growling noise as the bed dipped down and my best friend suddenly dog piled on top of me.
"Malfoy, you git."

"Get up!"

"Get off of me!"

"If you promise to get up."

I rolled my eyes at this and sighed. "Fine."

Draco instantly got off of me, planting himself on the floor as I sat up. My eyes squinted because the damn curtains were open, to which I grabbed my wand and flicked it, shutting the curtains. "You arse."

He just snickered as I got up and grabbed my suitcase, settling on my ripped skinny jeans, my green converse, and my Slytherin Quidditch hoodie. It had my last name, {L/N} and my number 07 on the back. Draco had the exact same one, just with his last name and the number 06. I'm a beater, and he's a seeker. Comical.

"I'm gonna jump in the shower." Dray announced, standing up and slowly making his way to the door. "You can do your hair and shit while I'm in it."

I ducked my face down, my cheeks immediately flushing at the thought of it. "Sure."

So here I was, standing outside of the bathroom, listening to him turn on the hot water. I've had a crush on this boy since second year, and here we are, our sixth year, and I'm still head over heels for him. My god.. I need to get over it.

My fingers grasped the cool metal of the doorknob when I heard the common room door slam open, the temperature suddenly dropping. I was shaking, my heart was pounding, and my lips were actually turning blue. "Draco." I said nervously, knocking on the door. "Draco unlock the door."
He usually locks the door until he's ready to jump in the shower, then he unlocks it so I can come in.
"Draco Malfoy, please!"
The stairs creaked, making me flick my eyes over to it, the stairwell only being a couple feet away from the bathroom.

A black, hooded figure weightlessly floated up the stairs and paused, staring right at me. Dementor.
I immediately let go of the handle, as it froze instantly when the creature got up here. "Draco."

The dementor began making its way towards me, it's ugly mouth gaped open. It stopped about a foot away from me and I suddenly became dizzy, all of my happiness disappearing. My eyes halfway closed as my body convulsed, leaning against the wall next to the bathroom for support. My lips parted as I felt all the life being drained from me, and I couldn't do a thing about it. My skin was ice cold, my vision became blurry and my heart slowed.

Just as my body was ready to give out, the door to the bathroom creaked open and a hand grasped my shoulder, yanking me into the steam filled room.

"{Y/N} don't you dare close your eyes." Draco said in panicked voice, backing away from the now closed door. "Stay with me damnit!"
I forced myself to look up at him, his hands gripping under my shoulders as he struggled to hold me steady.
The doorknob began to turn, making a weird noise as it did so.

Draco swore under his breath, and the next thing I knew he had pulled both of us under the extremely hot water, clothes still on us.

This revived me in a way, because the next thing I knew I gasped out and my eyes flared open, and I fell backwards into Draco, the hot water spilling across our skin.
"Draco." I croaked, my eyes glazed with tears. "Draco."

"I'm here babe, I'm here." He whispered, pulling me close so that my face was nuzzled in his neck. The air around us began to cool down, as did the water, so Draco of course turned off all the cold water, leaving us with scalding hot water, but at the same time it was more of lukewarm.

"Quiet." He whispered, both of us listening to the door slowly creak open. My breathing hitched and I snuggled myself closer to my best friend, my eyes closing as I focused in on his racing heart. Our body temperature dropped, and that's when I noticed that he was shaking. His arms were encasing me, he was leaning me against the wall of the shower protectively, which would make him get hurt first.

I then realized what his shirt was unbuttoned, and he had taken off my own hoodie in the process to conserve more body heat. That sneaky little git.

Seconds turned into minutes and then the water slowly began to go back to its normal state, but it felt good, considering we were both freezing.

Draco cupped my face in his hands and slowly leaned down, placing his lips on mine. I was shocked at first, and then I found myself kissing him back, my arms looped around his neck, his hands gripped my hips, we were pressed against each other.

"I almost lost you." He whispered, brushing his lips against mine lightly. "When I opened that door and saw the life draining from you with my very own eyes, I decided right then that I was not going to hide my love for you. I love you, {Y/N}."

"I've loved you since second year." Came my reply, which resulted in us kissing all over again.

Man, that dementor attack was so worth it. 

"My friggin Quidditch hoodie is soaked." I grumbled, picking the piece of clothing up and throwing it into the sink to dry.

"Then wear mine, love."

"Why should I?"

"Because I want everyone to know that you are mine."

"Fair enough." I slipped on his hoodie, which smelled so much like him I could've died happily if I wore this for the rest of my life.

"You can't keep it Babe."


"I want to get it back because then it'll smell like you." Draco blushed as he whispered into my ear, which made me blush.

"Awe, how adorable." I heard my friend, {F/N}, coo. My head snapped up to see her head poking into the bathroom, a smirk on her face.
Draco was leaning into my ear, his arms wrapped around my torso and mine around his neck. And I'm wearing his hoodie.

Welp. At least we are dating now.
"Get out!" I groaned, leaning my head against Draco still bare, toned chest.

"Fine Fine!" The door closed, and for the next 15 minutes, I had to listen to Draco laughing his damn arse off.


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