{48} Blood Sucker

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[Before you even read this, I want to apologize for not being active. My cousins were up for both a wedding and the fourth and I was so side tracked with work and everything that I just did not have time, and I know that's no excuse but I'm saying it anyways. You may continue now.]

I literally had zero ideas for this chapter so I wrote down the first thing I could think of. You are a vampire.

Your POV

I blinked multiple times, desperate to get my most hated color out of my milky orbs and away forever. It was about one in the morning and my stupid vamp senses woke me up, begging me for food.
I can't get my fangs to sink back into my gums, my eyes won't go back to {e/c}, they are stuck on Crimson, and my boyfriend is currently the one person around me. The one my body is craving. The only source of blood.
I tense up as Draco cranes his head, hiding myself behind the wall even more, but so I could still see him. His blonde hair was sticking up in every direction, he was sweating and shaking, and those stormy eyes pierced my soul each time I saw them. Reminding me of who this is.
"Who's there." He calls out, voice cracking. "I know you want me."

I deepen my voice, trying to scare him. "Leave now, Draco, or you will not survive."
My boyfriend tenses even more before signing and lowering his head. "I deserve death."
"I've done horrible things, I have to do horrible things."
"What about her."
"Don't bring her up." His voice showed more emotion at just the thought of me. "Don't touch her, don't hurt her. I will hunt you down."
"I cannot hurt her." My voice softened and I lowered my own head. "Though I wish I could."

"What?-" he stepped towards me, stepping right into a rose bush. Instantly, the scent of blood hits my nose and a strangled sound leaves my lips. In a flash, I'm holding my baby boy by his throat, my eyes bright red and his stormy orbs, watering. A choking sound leaves his lips as his neck tightens like a bunch of pins are stuck in them. I feel my own eyes water. "I told you to leave."
He looks like he tries to say something, but can't because I'm choking him. Instead, he whimpers.
"I told you to LEAVE!" I sob, shaking him violently. "I told you!! Draco why can't you, for one time in your life, LISTEN TO ME!"

I drop him and he lands on the ground with a sickening crunch, but I don't let any time slip through my fingers. As soon as Draco is flat on his back, I'm on top of him. On hand is pressing down on his chest, holding him down like a kid, while the other is tangled in his hair. A traitor tear rolls down my cheek and lands next to him, and he notices it because his face softens.

"Don't look at me like that." I hiss, my voice wavering. "Don't look at me like I'm the most precious and best thing in the world."
"You are." He whispers, one of his hands cupping my face. "You are my princess."

I feel my fangs try to wiggle even more out of my gums, making me wince. "I'm not! Don't you understand? I want to kill you, I want to drink from you-"
"Then do it."
"No." I say sternly, squeezing my eyes shut. "It'll kill you."
"I accept it, {Y/N}."

"Shut up." Just as those words slip my mouth, I hear a scream. My head whips over, revealing a shaking second year hufflepuff. I give in, and within a millisecond I'm off of Draco and pinning this kid to the ground, my fangs buried deep into his neck. I don't stop drinking until I feel a warm hand grab my arm, to which I yank myself backwards and hiss.
"Let's go back." Draco says softly. "Before someone sees us."

He helps me up and leads me into the Slytherin Dorm, the next day the date of the kids murder is timed and they search for the animal that is killing students. Everyday after that, Draco helps me to co-op with my problem, or he brings my to the woods and finds small animals.

How could he love a blood sucker?
Beats me. I'm glad though.
I don't kill anymore humans.

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