{85} AU Zombies

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{This one shot is a bit different then normal, this is if there was a zombie apocalypse. There is no magic in this story}

We ran hand in hand. I was panting, trying my hardest to keep up with Draco as we dodged through the trees. In my other hand was my bag. My knuckles were visibly white from gripping the strap so hard.


"You got this." He rushed out, his eyes flicking to mine just for a split second. "Just a little longer."

"Draco my feet-" just as I started to say that my foot caught a branch and I fell. My ankle made a popping sound and I shout out a curse. My body hit the ground with a thud and Draco skidded forward a little bit, before jogging back to me.

"Are you okay??" He asked worriedly, his grey eyes wide.
"I think I twisted it." I said between gritted teeth. "Draco I can't get up right now."
"Okay. Okay." He said quickly, his eyes darting up to the walkers that ambled towards us. "Okay. We are going to have to fight."


"Please. Do not give up on me." He whispered. Draco planted a kiss on my forehead before pulling out a bat that had spikes all over it. "Get your knife out, {Y/N}."
I obliged, pulling out my pocket knife. I turned my head to the rotting corpses and nodded. "Okay."
Draco dodged forward, swinging his bat at the nearest walker. There was a loud crunching sound as the bat made impact with its head, and the walker sunk to the ground.
I watched him as he just moved from walker to walker, his bat swinging every which direction.

I almost didn't notice the walkers that were sneaking up on me until one groaned.

I whirled my head over and let out a yelp. It's cloudy eyes glued onto my fallen frame, drool slipping from its unhinged jaw. It was snapping at me, like a dog almost, waiting eagerly for a thick slice of steak.

Except I was the steak.

I winced and grabbed onto the thin birch tree next to me and forced myself onto my good foot. I sucked in a breath and let out a cry as I slammed my knife into the side of its skull. The walker became motionless, and when I yanked my knife out, it sunk to the ground. It's body hit the ground with a sickening crunch. I made a face at that. It definitely broke something.

Just as I looked back up, the second walker was mere inches from my face. I grunted and shoved it back with my arm before slamming the knife into its eye. The knife sunk through the sensitive flesh with ease, and the walker dropped to the ground. I fell with it, as my knife was still in its face.
I tugged roughly trying to loosen the blade but it didn't work. There was a crunch behind me and a cold hand landed on my shoulder.

I let out a yelp and squeezed my eyes shut, praying that it wouldn't hurt that much. My fingers pulled at the knife but it still wouldn't budge.

"It's okay. It's me." Draco's soft voice came from behind me and my whole body just slumped against his. He kissed the top of my head and helped me to my feet, reaching down he pulled the knife out of the corpses head and handed it back to me. "Let's get you home. Hermione can take a look at your foot."

"She's going to be pissed." I muttered, slinging my arm over his shoulders, leaning on him as we walked towards the camp.

"Yes. But at least you aren't dead." He pointed out.

"Oh gee, thanks Dray. That makes me feel so much better."

"Just trying to help." He chuckled. I looked at him and stuck out my tongue. Draco was dripping in sweat and he has blood splattered on his face. I reached up to his cheek and brushed a spot off with my thumb.

"You need to shower."

"Yeah I'll get right on that."


"What the hell did you do?" Hermiones shrill voice filled the room we were in. I was sat on the dining table with my leg propped up on a pillow. Ginny was studying the developing bruise. Draco stood in the doorway, frowning at my leg.

"Leave her be." Ginny said softly. "She's had a rough day."

"I got it though." I said after. Ginny looked at me with wide eyes. Her mouth gaped open as I reached into my bag and handed her a bottle of pills. "For you, dear."
"Oh my god." She whispered before throwing her arms around me. I let out a laugh and hugged her back.

"What did you get?" Hermione asked, walking over to us as she tried to look at the pill bottle.

Ginny handed them over to her and her eyes widened as she looked at Ginny. The red head merely nodded. "Oh my god!!"

Hermione flung her arms around her and started balling. She leaned back after a moment and asked, "Does Harry know?"

Ginny nodded again.

Draco finally piped up. "Oh for heavens sake, what is it?"

Hermione handed the bottle and he read it.

On the pink label of the bottle read;

Prenatal Vitamins.

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