{49} Blood Sucker pt. 2

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{Warning, I'm not sure what I was thinking when I wrote this chapter so bear with me.)


​•Y o u r   P O V•

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Y o u r   P O V•

I was currently sitting down in the middle of the forest, near the black lake. My eyes were squeezed shut as I sobbed, one hand gripping my throat. The thirst was so, so strong. Too strong.

I wanted to strangle myself, do anything to stop this. To stop my want for blood.
Hearing footsteps, the scent of Draco hit my nose and I leapt to my feet, my eyes red and watery. "Did you find something?"
"No.." He mumbled, walking closer to me empty-handed. "There isn't any animal close enough to feed you in time. You killed them."
I felt myself tighten my grip around my throat, my nails digging into the sensitive skin. "I-I can't." Sharp inhale. "Draco, you need to leave."

"I'm not going to leave you here alone, {Y/N}."

"You will die tonight, Draco Malfoy. If you choose to stay, you will not live through the night." I whisper, trailing my finger against his bottom lip. "I can hold myself back right now, but not for long."

Draco blinked at me, before leaning forward and kissing me lightly, it felt like his lips hardly even brushed against mine. After that, he angled his head just slightly, positioning it so that my mouth was aimed for the main vein in his neck. My eyes widened, and I licked my lips involuntarily before shaking my head. "Draco, no."

"Shhhh. It's fine." He murmured, and I knew that his eyes were closed. "I'm ready."

I could have killed him. I could have given in and sunk my teeth into his neck, allowing his bloodstream to enter my mouth.
Instead, I did sink my teeth into the sensitive skin, but I didn't drink and j avoided the vein. I pulled away almost as soon as I bit into him.
Draco screamed out in pain before falling to the ground, his body writhing around.

Wasting no time, I bit into my own wrist before lowering it to his mouth so he could drink some of my blood. To complete the process.
I'm not sure he liked the idea, but he drank from me until I pulled my arm back, leaving him in pain all over again.

I was guilty, and I pained him. I killed his human soul, but only to make sure I wouldn't kill him when I didn't have control to stop.

Draco screamed and cried for about an hour, just until he 'died'. His body went limp and not even a second later, I watched his already pale skin become even paler. His platinum hair became healthier and more full. His already toned and muscular body became stronger and sleeker. His lips parted, allowing me to watch the new fangs pierce through his gums, his lips becoming a pale pink shade.

I did that to him. I destroyed him.

His eyes shot open, and his normal stormy colored eyes turned blood red, right in front of my very eyes. Draco Malfoy stared up at me for the longest time, before reaching up and gripping his own throat. His mouth opened, revealing the pointy teeth as he whimpered. "What did you do to me?"

"I would never kill you, Draco," I whispered. "I will never hurt you. I'm so, so sorry. I turned you, I had to. To save you."
"{Y/N}, you did kill me!" He cried out. "For me to turn, I had to die first. You did kill me!"
"Please," I whispered. "Draco I can help you."

He didn't listen. Instead, he whirled around and sprinted towards the school, and I knew I was in for it. So I took off after him.
I caught him pinning Harry Potter himself against a wall.
"Draco. Stop." I said softly, placing my hand on his shoulder. Potter was now staring at me, more specifically, at my crimson colored eyes. "Remember what you told me?"
"No matter.." He murmured. "how much you hate, or think you need to kill, a person. Don't do it, it's the vamp talking."

"That's good," I whisper. "Very good, Draco. Now drop him."
Surprisingly, he listened and dropped Potter on his ass. I leaned down and grabbed his chin roughly, my eyes boring into his green orbs. Focusing, my pupil's disappeared, leaving me with pure red eyes. "Harry Potter." I grinned, revealing my fangs. "You do not remember a thing about this. Dray and I are not vampires. Dray did not try to kill you. You will return to your common room and stay there until tomorrow morning. You will not remember any of this."

Harry blinked, before nodding his head and walking down the hall. I turn my head, only to see the vamp walking down to his own common room. "And where do you think you're going?" I call out, putting my hands on my hips.
"To bed." Was all he said in reply, and that's all he needed to say because I tackled him to the ground. Being a new vampire and all, Draco was a bit stronger than me. So that means I wasn't surprised in the least bit when he lifted me off of him and threw me towards a wall.
Gathering up all my strength, I pinned him against a wall this time. Instead of the tiled floor. "Listen to me Draco." I hissed, using one hand to forcefully grab his chin. "You don't understand how any of this works. If you go into a room full of humans, without drinking, you will go haywire and kill everyone. Please. Let me help you."

"I don't need your help {Y/N/N}." He hissed back. "I've got everything under control."
"Stop being a little bitch! Yes! I turned you. It was wrong, but I didn't want to kill you. So suck it up and let me teach you how to not get caught and destroy all of Hogwarts."

He bit his bottom lip, which made my eyes drop down towards his mouth. He made himself bleed, he was biting so hard. Gingerly, I leaned towards him, and he immediately stopped biting the closer I got. His lips parted perfectly as I licked the blood off of his lip, afraid I'd hate the taste as much as I hated my own.

His blood was sweet, and it actually quenched my thirst.
I wanted more, so much more.

I pulled back and lowered my mouth to his neck, my eyes closing as I peppered kisses around the area. He seemed to like it, seeing as I never dared to do this while he was still human. Kisses turned to sucking, which turned into light nibbling. Draco was moaning at this point, his hands gripping my hips so tightly I thought they would bleed. So I sunk my fangs into his neck.

It surprised me to hear Draco moan loudly, his hands now moving up to my hair.

I drank from him for a while, until I felt him tug at me. So I pulled back and he began to do the same thing to my neck, before biting down and drinking.

We discovered something that night. Something that would probably save our lives. We cannot drink our own blood.

But we can drink each others.

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