{19} || Scars

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I was sobbing, my hands gripping the railing of the Astronomy Tower to the point my knuckles were turning white. My cries of help echoed out into thin air, and deep down I knew no one would hear me, but I tried. My eyes were glued on the sharp, jagged rocky terrain below me. Just one, just one time. I'll never hurt again. Ever.
The next thing I knew, I was standing in front of the railing on a thin ledge where I had to stand on mostly tippy toes to stop falling off.

I was shaking, my breaths came out in hiccups, my eyes squeezed shut as I gripped the railing. It's time.

I had just started to let go of the railing when I heard footsteps behind me, making me freeze in place. A hand laid on my knuckle, hot breath hitting my ear as the person leaned forward. "I thought Ravenclaws were supposed to be smart, listen to rules."
I knew that voice anywhere.

Draco Malfoy.

I held back a sob as I slowly turned my head, just enough so I could see his face, but he wouldn't register my tears. "Leave." I said cooly, or rather attempted to say. Instead it came out as a hoarse whisper.
"{L/N}. Do not tell me what to do, you filthy halfblood."
Tears rolled down my face and I drew in a shaky breath, leaning my head back in an attempt to calm myself down.

I shook my head, leaning forward and looking back down at the ground with a shaky sigh, my hands loosening their grip on the railing. "What are you-"
I didn't let him finish, instead I let go of the railing and leaned forward, my eyes fluttering shut as I allowed my body to drop off the edge, the sound of wind rushing around me.
When I peeked through my eyes, I was startled to see the ground so suddenly close, this is it. And then, it wasn't. I was standing back on the Astronomy Tower, arms wrapped tightly around my torso and somebody sobbing into my neck. The railing was in front of me, I was on the stone floor, tears pouring out of my eyes like a waterfall.
The person hugged me tighter, trembling as I let out a breath and sobbed out.
"Why didn't you let me?" I whispered hoarsely. "Why didn't you let me?!" I was screaming now, my eyes squeezed shut as Draco and I cried together, not once did he let me go.
By the time I had finishing crying, we were now leaned against a wall of the tower, we've been there for hours. He let me cry my heart out, his thumbs gingerly rubbing my wrists soothingly.

"Don't ever do that again." He whispered, a shaky breath leaving his lips. "You almost died."

"That was the point.."

"I cannot let you die, {Y/N}, I love you."
His words surprised me, he loved me?
"I always have, and I always do. I'll do whatever it takes, just don't leave me."


"Promise me."

"Okay. I promise."

He let out a sigh and I leaned my head against his shoulder, my eyes drooping shut. "We've been here all day, we missed all our classes."

"I don't care." He mumbled, kissing the side of my face. "Your mental health is more important then school."

I know it's short, but I have writers block. Sorry dudes💚

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