{29} || Arguments

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It was around 10pm, and the Slytherin Common Room was empty except for two Slytherins. Draco Malfoy, and {Y/N} {L/N}.
{Y/N} was curled up on the couch sketching, and Draco was staring at the fire -and glimpsing at the girl periodically.
"Take a picture. It'll last longer." The girl said out of the blue, her eyes trained on her sketch book as her pencil flew against the paper.
"I wasn't even-"

"I can feel your soulless eyes on me, Malfoy."

"Shut up you git." The now blushing blonde haired kid hissed, his eyes narrowing at the girl. "No one asked for your input."

"Then quit looking at me." She replied back hastily, slamming the book shut and setting it on the table. "It makes me uncomfortable."

"I. Wasn't. Looking. At. You." He seethed, his eyes seeming to darken with each word.

"I am not in the mood to argue with you." {Y/N} said with a sigh, getting up from the couch. "You are a whiny, argumentative, little prick."
"And you are a stuck up, sarcastic, cunning know-it-all bitch." Draco retorted, a frown on his face.

"Thanks. Appreciate it." She turned to head for the stairs.
"Wait. I'm not done with you yet,

"Yeah, well, I am done with you."

"You have an amazing voice. You are a talented artist and your eyes are like pools." The girl turned around, startled he would even think such things about her. At first, she wanted to thank him and compliment him, but she hesitated and thought it through.

"Draco. Do not try and seduce me." She finally said after a few minutes of silence, her eyes now glossed over with tears. "I can't handle that."

"I never said I was-"

"But I know you!" She yelled in frustration, her hands curling in the knots of her hair. "And you use people!"


"I can't do it!" She was now standing only a foot away from him, tears more prominent in her eyes. "Do not lead me on! Do not compliment me! Do not make me think you might actually care!" She opened her mouth to continue but he grabbed her by the waist and pulled the smaller girl onto his lap, to which she nuzzled her face into his neck and bursted into tears. One of Draco's hands stroked her hair, while the other was curled tightly around her torso, to make her feel safe.

{Y/N} did not know what to do, she was conflicted and confused and hurt all at once.
After a few minutes, she pulled away from him, wiping her now red eyes vigorously. "I don't need your help."
"I know." He replied softly, his finger tilting her chin up. "You are so strong, so strong. And when you do break down, it's not because you need help, it's because you've been strong for too long. I understand that."
"Don't touch me." Her voice was quiet, so quiet he almost didn't hear her.

Instead of listening to her, he leaned forward so that their lips were only centimeters away, and she could feel his hot breath on her skin. "Are you sure that's what you want?" He whispered huskily, and her eyes fluttered shut. She wanted to say no, she really did, but she couldn't.
Draco closed the gap between them, their lips colliding with such force it made her gasp. It was a soft, gentle, full of need kiss. A kiss she needed so desperately, and he did too. His body relaxed, his arms curling tighter around her torso as she held onto his neck, their lips moving in sync.
When they pulled apart, she was crying all over again.

"Why are you crying.?"

"I can't get hurt again.." she whimpered, ducking her head down.

"{Y/N {L/N}. I will never, ever hurt you."

She lifted her head up.



Aweeeee. So cute. ❤️

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