{64} Good At Acting

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third person

House- Any

Draco apparated in front of a large and dark house. His stormy eyes glazed over, the sight of the house making his stomach clench.

Inside were people he was assigned to kill.

A witch, the girl Voldemort actually seemed to care about, was supposed to come here and help him. However, she was no where in sight.
Great. That meant he had to kill them all by himself.
Draco made his way towards the door, and he pulled it open. His footsteps echoed throughout the house as he made his way towards the living room. Draco froze in the doorway instantly.

He stared at the bodies on the ground, then at the girl covered in blood. Her eyes narrowed as she stood up. "You're late."

"I was waiting for you." He murmured in disbelief, scanning the bodies over once more.

"Wrong." She wiped the blood from her hands, onto her black pants, creating a stain. "I was here on time. You didn't show, so I did the job."
{Y/N} made her way past him, heading straight to the door to leave.

"How did you- I mean- well-" Draco stammered.

"How did I kill them so easily without feeling bad?" She questioned, stopping halfway out the door. She turned to face him, a wicked smile on her face. "Easy. I refuse to let myself feel emotions."

"That's impossible-"

"Wrong again." Her dangerous {e/c} eyes pierced his, her smile dropping from her face. "You are really bad at this game, Malfoy."

"No one can turn it off." He whispered, ignoring the last comment she made.

"Well," she turned away. "I did." And with that, she apparated away.


Draco made it back to the manor an hour after the weird chat the two magical kids had. When he finally did appear, {Y/N} was sprawled across his bed.

"Finally, I was beginning to think you'd never show." She muttered.

"Why are you in my bed?" He asked in an exasperated voice, running a and through his thick hair. "Why are you here at all?"

"Because I live here too, Malfoy." She snapped, sitting up on his bed. "And I needed to talk to you, without being heard."


"Voldemort always has someone watching me." {Y/N} whispered. "Especially when I'm out on tasks. I spoke to you like that because I knew someone was watching."

Draco slowly made his way towards the girl, sitting on the edge of his bed. "Oh."

"I'm very good at acting." She whispered, looking up at him. Draco was surprised to see a single tear rolling down the wicked girls face. "But I'm tired, Draco. So, so tired."
Draco slid further onto the bed and pulled the exhausted girl into his arms as she finally broke down into choked sobs. Her whole body shook against his. "I don't know what to do, Draco."

"Don't do anything." He whispered, kissing the top of her head. Draco has always had a slight crush on {Y/N}, it's just, when she's awful and rude like that he wanted to hate her. Now that she's soft and broken, he loved her so much.

"Voldemort, he expects so much out of me." She breathed, leaning away from him. "But I think I have an idea."

"Hopefully one that won't get us killed?"

"It could." She whispered, wiping her eyes. "We need to join Dumbledores Army."

"What?" He leapt from the bed. "I would get disowned! I'd die!"
"No." {Y/N} said quickly, getting onto her feet. "I won't let anyone hurt you. I wasn't acting when I killed those people. I could kill anyone if I really wanted."


"But it's true!" She defended. "Listen to me! We could be good! We wouldn't need to take orders from anyone, Draco."
I bit my bottom lip at the sight of her. The girl who scared me shitless an hour ago, now pleading to me to be good.

"{Y/N}." I whispered. "I have to kill Dumbledore."

"That's my point!"

"No." I grabbed her by the wrists, making her freeze and look up at me. "Neither of us are leaving."

Her stunned face, turned into a smirk, and Draco was left horrified with her. "I told you I was good at acting."

"What?" He asked in utter confusion.

"I was testing you." She cackled. "Voldemort questioned your loyalty, but you proved yourself."
And with that, she apparated away from Draco.

That girl is truly evil.

This is so mf-ing sucky it ain't even funny. I'm so sorry. But, on the bright side, if any of you like The Walking Dead an like Carl Grimes, I'm made an Imagines book on him. Go check that outtttt! :))

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