{47} Odd Ends [Pt. 2]

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House- Hufflepuff

{Y/N} was sitting outside, her back leaning against a tree while she practiced using magic and read a book at the same time. She was controlling a small tornado, twirling it around and around until footsteps approached her and she lost all concentration. The small spiral of wind faded away, making the girl look up with a confused look.
Draco sat down in front of her, his eyes on the ground as he fiddled with her fingers anxiously. She tilted her head, studying the blonde before saying; "Draco, are you alright?"
"I.. I don't know how I keep doing this.." He mumbled, closing his eyes. {Y/N} reached forward and held onto his hands, forcing him to relax.

"Tell me."

"Well.." He began, finally making eye contact with his best friend. "Potter sneezed during Transfiguration today.."
"And?" {Y/N} tilted her head in confusion. "What happened?"
"I went to say bless you.."
"Oh no." She whispered, her eyes widening as she gripped Draco's hands tighter. "You didn't."
"I kinda accidentally said 'shut the fuck up' instead."
Draco watched as the girls face contorted, but instead of yelling at him for swearing she bursted into laughter. "How do you accidentally tell someone that?!"
"I don't know!" He cried, burying his face into his hands as she laughed. "I didn't even mean it, but everyone around me laughed and Potter looked pissed at me!"

"So you..?"

"I let it slide and pretended that that's totally what I meant to say!" He lifted his head and grabbed her face without thinking. "I just want to be his fucking friend!" This time, her eyes narrowed and she sighed, making him groan. "Sorry."
"Rule #2. Now, I'll meet you at the Astronomy Tower tonight at 9, okay Draco? I have to get to Muggle Studies."

He nodded just as {Y/N} stood up and made her way back into the school, leaving him alone with his own thoughts.


As promised, {Y/N} {L/N} was making her way up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower, her wand tucked away safely in her robe, her cat following her carefully. {c/n} (cat name) was a sleek black cat that Draco had given her as a birthday present in second year. {Y/N} adored {him/her} to bits. As she wandered into the tower, she was not surprised to see Draco there already, but her eyes did widen at where he stood.
"Why do you feel the need to do such dangerous things?" She asked in a monotone, rolling her eyes slightly.
"Danger is my middle name." Draco said proudly, flexing his muscles in a Superman pose. She just merely sighed.
"No it's not. Your middle name is Lucius. Now please come down from the ledge, Draco."

Draco obliged, slipping off of the ledge with ease and landing in front of her. "Fun-sucker." He grumbled, only for her to ignore him.

"Draco, please, put away your bad boy attitude and give me the real Malfoy." She cupped his face, kissing his nose lightly. This startled both of them, because both their eyes widened. Before she could let go, he grabbed her face and slammed their lips together, and they fit together perfectly. Like they were made for each other.

They kissed for what seemed like hours before {Y/N} pulled away, her hands resting on his chest to keep the distance between them. "That should not have happened, I should not have done that."
"I liked it." He whispered, managing to close the space between them once more.

Who knew? A Hufflepuff and a Slytherin, together. Nonetheless, a Malfoy with a half-blood.

Strange how love works, huh?

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