T.R {77} Saving Voldemort

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So most of you wanted me to just combine the two; so here we go! <3

House; You will be placed in Slytherin, but your personal house applies in the beginning

            •FIRST PERSON POV

A sob left my lips when I saw Hagrid carrying my brothers limp body, and I fell to my knees. Luna tried to help me back onto my feet, but I was a wreck. Ginny let out a scream and tried to dive forward, but was held back.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort shouted, earning laughs from the death eaters. He walked over to Hagrid and forced him to drop my brother onto the ground, and his body made a sickening crunch.
My brother was gone.
Through my blurry tears, I got up and pointed my wand at Voldemort and started to mumble a curse when someone grabbed onto my arm and yanked me backwards into the crowd. We weaved through people and I was dragged inside of the school, to be faced with McGonagall.

Her eyes were filled with tears.
"I need you to fix this. Only you can do it."
"Why me? What are you talking about!" I cried out. But she shushed me.
"Dumbledore left me a note, his Phoenix brought it to me this afternoon, after the fighting. You can fix this; {Y/N}. You have to."

"No no I can't." I sobbed out, my hands covering my eyes as tears pooled down my reddened cheeks. "Oh my Merlin he's dead!"
"You can fix this." She whispered, placing a chain around my neck. I looked up at her just as the time turner fell into my hands, and my mouth gaped. "Please Miss Potter. You have to."

I glanced back down at the object and bit my lip. "I can save my brothers life?"
McGonagall nodded her head once. "Turn it 7 times. It'll bring you to him. It'll bring you to Tom; before he created his Horcruxes."
Without another thought, because I knew I'd change my mind, I turned the time turner 7 times, and my surroundings changed.

When things finally slowed down, I noticed that I was standing in Dumbledores office. He was writing stuff down, but he seemed to notice my presence, because he glanced up at me. His eyes soon settled on the time turner, and his eyebrows furrowed. "What are you doing here, young one?"

"I need to save my brother." I whispered, slowly walking towards him. My eyes were watering all over again. "You're alive.."
Dumbledore craned his head to study me before nodding his head. "Miss Potter, pleasure you meet you."
"How did you-"
"Doesn't matter." He mused. "You want to save your brother, yes?"
"Yes, sir."

"Then follow me." He stood up and walked over to a shelf, where the Sorting Hat was placed. He picked it up and placed it on my head without hesitation.
"Hmm.. not from this time are ya, Miss Potter? Well.. your house is {H/N}, but for this mission to work, you need to be placed in Slytherin. Of course you know that, don't you?" The hat said slowly.

"Yes I do."

"Then it is decided. Slytherin!"


I was walking towards the Slytherin common room when I heard a low voice from behind me. "I don't recognize you, little witch."
I turned on my heels to face a guy with thick, brown hair and chocolate eyes. He was wearing a Slytherin Robe, with a prefect badge. "Who are you?"
"{Y/N} Potter." I breathed out. Merlin he's cute.
"Nice to meet you, Potter. My name is Tom Riddle."

Oh shit. Oh my god.

My eyes widened and I involuntarily took a step back, trying to create distance between him and I. His head tilted, and he got close to me. His hands landed on my waist and he leaned down towards the crown of my head and inhaled; his brows furrowing as he took a step back.
"You smell like my Amortentia potion."

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