{33} Accidents Happen

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Y o u r P O V

Hagrid led us into the forest for our class. In my hands was the animalistic book that tore Neville's robes to shreds. I was already stroking the binding of the book even before Hagrid had told us to, I opened the book and flipped through the pages, sitting myself down on the still damp grass as I read the first page.

"Say hello to Buckbeak!" Hagrid said cheerfully, feeding the Hippogriff a dead rabbit. Half Eagle, Half Horse. Really any interesting combination.

The rest of the class feared the animal, while I was intrigued, but didn't quite want anything to do with it, so when Hagrid asked who wanted to face him, I got up and stepped away from the animal, along with the rest of the class. Unfortunately, one of my best friends did not notice the shift in position because he was left in front, and was chosen to meet the Beast. "Oh Harry! Good job!" Hagrid said happily, motioning for the boy to come forward, who was now glaring at the three of us; Hermione, Ron, and I.

I turned my head to see Draco, who was staring at Harry with so much intense hatred, until I caught his eye. His gaze softened and he smiled at me, to which I stuck out my tongue in reply. Dray merely rolled his eyes, mouthing; 'You childish git.'
'Shut up, you love me.' I mouthed back, to which he smirked but nodded.

I looked back just in time to see Harry bowing at the Beast, and it flipping the fuck out. In a panic, Hermione grabbed Rons hand, and he grabbed mine on instinct. I, of course, held his hand back just as firm, my eyes widening at the sight of Buckbeak threatening Harry.
Hermione and Ron let go of each other's hands, but he never let go of mine, which was uncomfortable but whatever. He's another best friend of mine.

When Hagrid lifted Harry onto the Beast, after it accepted him, it flew off.
"Let go of my girlfriend, Weasley." I heard a very familiar voice growl, making multiple students gasp. Draco Malfoy was glaring at Ron, who was wide eyed and his mouth was gaped open.

"Draco." I hissed under my breath. Our relationship was not public yet, and he just announced us. Granted, I'm a PureBlood and such, but I'm also Gryffindor and part of the Golden Team. Aka -Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I. (Sometimes Ginny, Luna, and Neville too)
"I-you-what?" Ron stammered, his eyes flicking from Draco to me, panic written on his face.
"Ron." I whispered, tugging away from him. "Let me go."

"Let her go, before I make you." Draco hissed, taking a menacing step towards my friend. Hermione stepped forward and tugged at Ron, after placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Ron. Let go."


"Ronald Weasley." I snapped, yanking my hand out of his grasp. "Do you have a death wish?!"
"You betrayed us." He suddenly spat, his words hitting me like daggers. "You're dating this pimp!"

"I happen to care for him." I bit back, stepping towards my boyfriend, who wrapped his arms around my torso territorially. "But you wouldn't understand that, would you Ron?"

"I just-"

"I don't want to hear it." I continued, my eyes filling to the brim with tears. "I want you to accept me."

"We do accept you." Hermione said softly, stepping towards me. Bless your soul Mione..

"You accept me 'Mione." My voice was soft now, and cracking, but that's besides the point. "He doesn't, and we both know Harry won't either."

"I won't accept what?" I heard another familiar voice call out, and all heads snapped to find Harry Potter, slipping off the beast and walking towards us. Just as he did so, Draco tore himself away from me and strides towards Buckbeak, muttering idiotic things.
"Draco no-" I couldn't finish my sentence because Buckbeak had already stood on his hind legs and tore at Draco's arm, who fell onto the ground dramatically and began to say he was killed.

"Hagrid!" I said loudly, running towards the professor who was tending to Draco. "He needs to be brought to the infirmary!"

"That's right.. class dismissed!" He shouted, lifting Draco's limp body up from the ground and bringing him towards the castle.

"What won't I accept?"

"Harry, now is not a good time-"

"Oh it is." Ron cut me off, stepping towards Hermione and I, Harry standing a few feet away from me. "She's dating that foul prick. Draco Malfoy. The Slytherin Prince."

"You are what?!"


"What were you thinking {Y/N}?" He sounded exasperated, waving his arms around as he spoke. "That douche bag, is your boyfriend?!"

"Harry, please-"

"Stay outta this Hermione." He snapped. "You are not this naive and stupid {Y/N}!"

"I care for him! He's different around me, he's kind and sweet and caring! I think I love him!" I shouted, angry tears flooding down my face. "But no! You won't listen to me! Only Hermione accepts me, but so be it! Obviously she's the only person who truly cares for me!"

And with that I whirled around and sprinted away, leaving my friends behind, my only thoughts were of Draco.

(Part two?)

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