{16} || Vacation With The Devil

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!Note the outfit above!

"{Y/N}!" My mother's soothingly voice rang up the stairs, through the long hall, and somehow through the closed door to my room. "Downstairs! Now, young lady!"

Mentally groaning I slip on a grey hoodie and leggings, seeing as I had just taken shower and decided on just my sports bra and a pair of short shorts. My fingers combed through my {H/C} hair, a sigh leaving my lips as I threw the long hair into a bun. (Apologies if you don't have long hair, I made it so in this story you do, but you can always change it!)

Opening the cream colored door, I slowly made my way down the stairs, yawning as I stepped foot into the dining room. "Yes mother- what are they doing here."
My mom shot me a, behave yourself or you'll be in loads of trouble, look. This immediately shut me up, my eyes casting to the wooden floor.
"The Malfoy's will be dining with us tonight, I have a surprise for you."

"Yes mother."

"Sit down next to Draco, would you?"

"Yes mother."

I, grudgingly, sat down to the right of Draco Malfoy, closest seat to the stairs so if I needed to escape I could. Don't try and say I won't, because I will.


"Malfoy." I answered in monotone, nodding my head respectfully.
Dinner was silent for the most part, after saying hello I didn't speak to him again.

"{Y/N}, Draco, the four of us will be going to Florida, for vacation." My mother finally said, after multiple minutes of silence.

"Wait, What?"

"You, me, Draco, and Narcissa. We will be going to Florida."

"Like.. America? Florida in America, Florida?" I questioned, picking my head up to look my mother dead in the eyes. "Like, across the ocean?"

"Yes." Narcissa chuckled, nudging my mother with a smile. "Lucius and your father cannot come, they have business to attend to and we thought it'd be fun to go somewhere."

"Sounds fun, mum." Holy shite. He spoke. I shot Draco a surprised look, which seemed to confuse him immensely. Oh well.
"Agreed." I said softly, picking up my plate and placing it in the sink. "When do we apparate?"

"No, {Y/N}. We will be flying to there, by plane."
Both Draco and I snapped our eyes up. "What?!" We exclaimed, at the exact same fricking time.


"Oh Merlin.." I muttered, making my way to the staircase.

"Honey, go pack your bags, we leave tomorrow at 6am!"

"Wait, What?!"

"Yup! And Draco will be sleeping in your room! Narcissa will be using the spare room, seeing as its already 10pm. They are going to just stay here, we will leave together."


"Go upstairs, {Y/N}."

I let out a frustrated groan, quickly bolting up the stairs and to my Slytherin decorated room. The walls were green and silver, my bedspread was Slytherin and I had banners, posters, and pictures all along the walls.

I had just entered my room and grabbed my suitcase when I heard my door shut, making me jump out of my skin and yelp.
"Good lord, it's just me."
Oh. Him.
"Don't touch anything." I said immediately, not even looking up.

I turned around to see Draco running his finger along a picture, one of him and I when we were kids. He and I were wrestling on the grass, Draco clearly winning as he pinned me to the ground. Giggles and screams left my lips as I thrashed underneath of him, then the picture just restarted the same clip.

"I said don't-"


Excuse him?! This is my freaking room!


"Your mother forbid you to let either of us sleep on the floor, we have to share a bed." Draco said nonchalantly, sitting down on my bed.

"Just let me finish packing, would you?"


It was silent after that, he just merely watched me pack all my stuff before shutting the suitcase and shoving it to my door. I flopped down onto my side of the bed, burying my face in the pillow.

"You're going to sleep? Already?"

"Yes. Now shut the hell up Malfoy."

"The lights are still on."
I gripped my wand and pointed it at the light switch, without even looking, and flicked it down.
"Not anymore."

"You git.." he muttered, and the next thing I knew a familiar black shirt was tossed across me and onto the floor, making my cheeks flush. Oh dear god. Just don't look.

"You sleep with all those clothes on?" He asked, his fingers pulling at the thick fabric of the hoodie.

"No. I usually sleep in my sports bra and shorts but..."


"You are here. So no."

Draco snorted, before suddenly shoving me upright and quickly tearing the hoodie off of me. My cheeks burned red as I ducked my head down, my arms crossing across my chest. "Draco, you fucking idiot!"
"It's fine." He grumbled, slowly laying back down.

"You- you-"


"You filthy ferret!"

"That's not even funny, {Y/N}."

"Shut up!" I grabbed the blankets, pulling them over my body and kicking off my leggings, thankful I hadn't taken the shorts off either. I'm lazy like that. "Sleep Malfoy."



I woke up to my whole body warm, which was weird seeing as I'm usually really cold. I opened my eyes and look to my right, only to see Draco laying with his face buried into my neck, our legs tangled in the sheets together, and his arms wrapped around my torso firmly.
My cheeks were bright red when I turned to look at the clock. 5:45AM. Dear lord, we have 15 minutes!

I tried to sit up, but couldn't, so instead that led to me shoving Draco, poking him, and finally just wriggling around. "Stoppppp." He groaned, pulling me on top of his chest.
Dear Merlin.

"Draco!" I hissed, which woke him up enough for his eyes to widen as me being ontop of him. "Please let go of me." My voice softened. What the-

"Uh.. yeah.."

He let go of me, allowing me to stand up and race to the bathroom. I slipped on my chosen outfit (the one above) and added little makeup, braiding my hair into a side braid. I finished just as my mom was calling our names, and then we apparated to the airport.

We boarded the plane, to which my mom, of course, seated Draco and I together. I chose the window seat, feeling more comfortable there. I hate crowded areas. Draco used to know that.

He must have remembered because he gripped my hand tightly, gingerly rubbing his thumb across the skin. "It'll be okay, I'm here."

"Why are you being so damn nice, you git."

"Because I realized how much I've missed you, {Y/N}." He murmured, a small smile flickering across his face.
I wanted to smile back, but I didn't. Instead, I leaned my head back, shoved my earbuds in, and fell asleep.

I'll most likely make a part two my dudes.

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