{78} Lestrange

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House- Slytherin
Info; you were adopted by a certain witch when you were a baby. No one knows who your real parents are.

                    First Person POV


The sound of my heels clicking on the tile floor echoed down the hall as I made my way towards the living room of Malfoy Manor. It was around Christmas time, and everyone was home. Draco invited a few of his friends over for the weekend, mainly for Christmas dinner. He didn't want it to just be him and his parents. He didn't want to be alone with Lucius, which I understood.

As I entered the room, I could hear Narcissa talking to Draco quietly. To his right was Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise. Pansy was way too close for comfort, her hand resting on his leg. Draco's eyes connected with mine and I saw him grimacing. He was clearly uncomfortable. So, I walked forward and grabbed Pansy's wrist, and shoved it off of him. He gave me a nod, before looking back at his mother and replying to her. Pansy however, was glaring up at me.

"Who the hell are you?" She hissed, and all of the other conversations ceased.

That should've been her first cue to shut her mouth.

"My name is {Y/N}-"

Before I could finish my sentence she stood up and got right in my face, her eyes narrowing at me. "What the hell gives you the right to touch me? Hmm?"

"Draco was clearly uncomfortable." I stated plainly. "You should make sure you have consent before doing something like that. Anyways, I am-"

"Shut up." She snapped, getting even closer to me. I didn't even budge, instead I tilted my head up and rose an eyebrow. "Do you even know who I am? My name is-"
"Pansy Parkinson. I know. But the real question here is, do you even know who the fuck I am?" I cut her off. I stepped forward and she stepped back, falling back onto the couch. I heard another set of heels click down the hall at a quick pace, and out of the corner of my eye I see my mother walk in the room.
I bent down and put one of my hands on my leg and stuck the other out. "{Y/N} Lestrange. Nice to meet you." I said cooly.

Pansy visibly gulped just as a hand landed on her shoulder. "Watch your tone when you speak to my goddaughter, Parkinson." Lucius seethed. He legit looked so pissed off, the only reason why I held my ground is because it wasn't pointed at me.

"Well, well, well; little girl. Have you learned your lesson?" My mother asked in a taunting voice. "Or should I help you understand?"
"N..No, I got it Miss Lestrange." Pansy said quickly, stumbling over her words at first. "Terribly sorry, {Y/N}."
"Mm, I forgive you this time." I said while straightening up and turning my head to look at my mom. "I've got it now mom, sorry to disturb you."
My mother walked over to me, laughing slightly as she got closer. Pansy scooted away from Draco as she got closer. My mom patted my head, her eyes locking onto Pansy. "Bellatrix. She's okay." Narcissa said after a moment of silence. "Go back to your meeting."

My mother looked back at Pansy once more and gave her a grin before apparating away. Pansy was staring off into space, so I sat down next to Draco and kissed his cheek. "Well that was fun." He mumbled.

"I think it was quite amusing to watch Pansy practically piss herself." I murmured back, trailing kisses to his earlobe. I nibbled on it, making him suck in a breath and grab onto my thigh harshly. I pulled away and looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "Afraid you're going to levitate away?"
"No. I'm trying not to get a boner." He whispered, glaring at me. "You know what that does to me, little girl."
I pouted at him playfully before smiling. "I know perfectly well what that does to you, Dray. Hence why I did it."
Draco rolled his eyes and stood up, clearing his throat loudly. "I'm going to the bathroom." He stated.

"Uhm.. okay.." his mother said slowly. "Don't fall in..?"
Draco turned red and quickly walked down the other hall to the restroom. I blinked once, unsure as to whether I should follow him or not. It wasn't until his head popped out around the corner and he motioned for me to follow him that I understood. I'm supposed to follow him. Got it. Yup. Smarticle Particles.

So I got up and walked down the hall, just as I got around the corner he grabbed my wrists and pulled me into the bathroom, closing the door behind him and locking it. He grabbed my arms and pinned me against the wall. His eyes darker then normal. "You don't know what you do to me, Lestrange."

"I'm pretty sure I do." I said in a sing-song voice. "I mean.. I know how to turn you on, make you laugh, blush-"
He silenced me by slamming his lips against mine, his hands now moving down to my thighs as he picked me up and pressed me against the wall again. My fingers tangled in his hair and my lips left his to attack his neck. Small moans left his mouth as I moved back to his ear, this time biting more since we weren't in the same room as you know, his parents.

The next thing I knew, both of us were naked and we were in the shower.

Except we weren't doing anything bad. He was leaving light kisses all over my face as he massaged shampoo into my hair, scratching my scalp ever so slightly. It felt good, and it calmed me down. Yet, I was confused.


"Yes, my love?" He said softly, his fingers still rubbing my head.

"Why are you.. um.. washing my hair and not fucking me?"

He looked up at me and gave me a smile. "Because I wanted to show you how much I truly love you. I don't want you just for sex, love. I want all of you. I'm going to marry you someday."
Tears gathered in my eyes and I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face into his neck as the warm water cascaded down my back. I definitely was not expecting that at all. He truly has changed since the day I first met him. He let me in. He shows me his emotions. His real and raw emotions. And I love him.

So I kissed him. This time, more soft then eager. And when I pulled away, we both smiled. "I'd love to marry you someday, Draco."

"Then it's settled." He whispered.

"Of course."

Yeah..  not sure where I was gonna go with this but oh well.

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