{7} || New Years Countdown

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I giggled as Draco swore under his breath again as we weaved through all the people. He had one hand holding mine, the other gripping my hip tightly.
"Draco come on!" I squealed, ducking down under some people.
"Good god, {Y/N}." I heard him grumble, struggling to keep up with me.

Today is New Years Eve, and I had brought him all the way to New York to watch the ball drop.
I'm from the USA anyways, so I'm used to this.

After settling on a spot where we could see the glowing ball perfectly, I turned around and smiled up at my boyfriend, who was now holding onto my waist like his life depended on it.
"Babe." I chuckled. "You okay?"

"Mhm. Sure." He grumbled again, shooting daggers at all the other men who were standing 'too close' to me.
One actually walked forward, his eyes glued onto mine, his hand held out. "Hi. I'm L-"
"Too close bucko." Draco immediately said, pulling me against his chest. "Shoo."

The guy scurried away in a hurry, and sure enough, it was because of Draco's number one facial expression. His menacing and possessive scowl. Idiot.

"Draco." I hissed under my breath. "Calm down."

"Dumbos, never heard of personal space!" He complained, burying his face into my neck, planting a kiss on my collarbone. "You are mine."

"I'm aware of that Dray."

"But they aren't!" He defended, sticking his lip out. He is actually pouting. Oh my Merlin.
"Don't pull that on me." I whimpered, covering my eyes. "That is not fair. You know I cannot resist your pouting and puppy dog eyes."

"I know." He laughed, kissing my nose lightly. "You love me anyways."


I turned away, my eyes glued on the large ball as people started to count down.






As the ball began to drop, Draco made a weird sound. He was entertained by it! Aha!
He had this pure smile on his face, his arms relaxing and wrapping around my torso.

Just as the ball dropped, I yelled "happy new year baby!" Along with the other people, before reaching up, cupping his face in my hands, and placing a kiss on his lips.
As I pulled away, his smile widened even more.

Draco leaned his forehead on mine, we were oblivious to the crazy people around us cheering. "I think I might be starting to actually like this New Years thing."

And with that he leaned down and kissed me again.

Thanks to Pinterest for giving me this idea for a story!

Yes it's short but oh well!

Buy bye my lovelies💚🐍

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