{21} || What If

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We stood in the Great Hall, Professor McGonagall calling out name after name. First Hermione, then Ron, then Harry. All were put into Gryffindor. "{Y/N} Weasley!"
I gladly made my way up to the large chair, my long, silky red hair trailing behind me. My twin smiled up at me as I took a seat, the hat slowly lowering onto my head.
"Ah. Another Weasley. I know exactly where to put you. Gryffindor!"
With a giggle I stood up and flounced over to the table, sitting down across from my brother with this smirk.

"Draco Malfoy!"

The platinum haired boy with grey eyes carefully made his way up to the chair, sitting himself down. Our eyes locked and his smirk faltered when I shot him a toothy grin. The sorting hat was lowered onto his head, and it stayed on his head for the longest time.
"Interesting.." It murmured, making a bunch of kids tilt their heads. A Malfoy, shouldn't he automatically be in Slytherin like the rest of his family was? Our eyes locked again and I bit my lip nervously.


Oh my god.

4 years later

"Draco! Get up!" I pouted, shaking the blonde haired kid awake. His grey eyes flickered open, meeting mine and he gave me a smile. "Mom wants you downstairs."

"What time is it?"

"Almost noon, get up you git." I yanked him up causing him to immediately flip us over and he begun to tickle me. I screeched and thrashed around on the small bed, probably alarming the whole Burrow.
"Stop it Dray!" I wheezed out, shoving him off of me. "You are an arse."

"Bloody hell Draco!" I heard my twin, Ron, say from the doorway, his eyes wide in surprise. "Get off of my sister!"
Draco gave him a playful smile before getting off of me, helping me up in the process. "Sorry Ron, she started it first."

"Yeah, whatever." He snorted, ruffling my hair and then fist bumping Draco. "Mom wants the two of you downstairs to eat."
"Got it." I said happily, standing up and racing downstairs. My feet thudded against the wooden planks as I leapt down the last couple and landed directly in front of my mother with a loud SLAM.

"Dear Lord {Y/N}! Calm yourself!" She exclaimed, gripping my wrist and pulling me to my seat. Draco soon sat down next to me, his eyes glimmering with happiness.

He's been so much happier ever since he moved here with us, being Gryffindor and all, his father rejected him, kicked him out, disowned him, you name it.
At Hogwarts, Draco is seated right next to me, his room across from mine. The five of us; Hermione, Ron, Harry, Draco, and I get alone wonderfully.

Slytherin kids started out teasing him, until one day Hermione stood up to them. From that day on, they protected each other. Draco would beat up kids who called her a Mudblood, and she'd beat up people who called him a bloodtraitor.
At first, I was jealous, until I discovered that the two were more like brother and sister. Draco loved me. Me.

Draco gets along great with my older brothers, Fred and George. The three of them like pranking people, making weird contraptions. It's great. Draco, Harry, Ron and I all play Quidditch. We are like coaches for the team. Harry is the Seeker, Ron is the Keeper, Draco is a Beater, and I a Chaser. Ginny is also a Chaser, like me. Hermione isn't really into sports, so she cheers us on.
Draco has learned to make multiple meals- which was a struggle at first, until he found he loved to cook.
Hermione and I teach him so many muggle things, and he enjoys them. I cannot imagine Draco being in Slytherin. I actually cannot.

"Babe." He nudged me, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Eat. I made the toast." He gave me a cocky grin, making me roll my eyes and take an obnoxious bite.
"Oh, Em, Gee. Draco, this is literally the best toast I've ever eaten." I said dramatically, making Fred snort. Ginny just plain out rolled her eyes at us, and George choked on his milk. Harry was passed out on the couch, while Hermione and Ron cuddled on the couch. "Bloody Hell Draco, it's just toast."

Draco pouted at me, pretending to sob out. "Rude!"
"Merlin.." Mom muttered, rubbing her temples. "Draco, I swear, you and {Y/N} will be the death of me."
"Mommmm." I groaned.

"But I don't know what I'd do without you two, I don't regret taking you in my boy." She placed a kiss on my boyfriends head, making his cheeks flush as he grinned up at her.

"Thanks, mom." He said softly, looking towards me. "You guys saved me from my own destruction."

"Let's talk about something else!" Fred said suddenly, making everyone burst out laughing. He was never one for serious, sappy conversations.

I love my family, and I love my boyfriend.

I love my family, and I love my boyfriend

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