{46} Odd Ends

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House- Hufflepuff

t h i r d p e r s o n

{Y/N} groaned as she slammed her books down on a desk in the library, sat down, and put her head down. The boy across from her merely smiled, patting the top of her head gingerly. "Rough day hon?"
"Touch me and I will bite your finger off." She growled, her voice muffled through the fabric of her robes. Draco rose an eyebrow, tilting his head slightly. "That doesn't sound like my dear friend {Y/N/N}."

"I'm irritated."
"Why?" Draco carried out the 'y', leaning forward towards the girl.
"A person."
"Great! I'll just kill 'em for you." Draco said with a grin, abruptly standing up so that the table shook. His best friends head shot up so fast she nearly tipped her chair over and knocked down her books. She leapt to her feet and grabbed his robe, curling the soft fabric in her fists. "No! No!" In fact, she nearly toppled over if Draco hadn't bursted out into laughter and grabbed her waist.
"I was joking with you Puff."
"That's not funny." {Y/N} pouted. "Violence is never the answer."

"I already promised you I wouldn't get into any more fights puff-puff." Draco ruffled her hair, making her smile and ruffle his hair. However, he didn't enjoy that because his face turned into a scowl as he batted her hand away. "What have I said about-"
"Touching your hair?" {Y/N} finished for him. "That I should never mess with it! But of course, I don't care."
"You little-"
She lifted her hand up and waggled her finger, one eyebrow raised as she smirked at the Slytherin. "Nuh Uh."
"Brat." He sighed, giving into the next rule she made him promise. Never swear in front of her. {Y/N} {L/N} is a hufflepuff, yes, and a halfblood. Yet, she somehow managed to wrap Draco around her pinky, and he cared for her immensely. His bad boy attitude was long gone when she was around, instead he was sweet and caring, yet protective and sarcastic. Draco would never admit it, but he loved her in a way.

Her face lit up when he didn't swear, and she flung her arms around him happily. "I've still gotta study, but-"
"Filthy little halfblood." A familiar voice, to both kids, snorted from behind them. Draco tightened his grasp around {Y/N} and turned around to face Pansy Parkinson, who had her hands on her hips and was glaring at the Hufflepuff. "How dare you think you are good enough to even look at my Drakey Poo."
"That's enough." Draco snapped, earning a seductive look from the unwanted Slytherin. "Leave Parkinson."

"What? Why?"

"I said leave." He snapped again, drawing {Y/N} closer to him. She wasn't shaking, she didn't say anything, nor did she reveal any emotion besides boredom. She just stared at Pansy. "I will not hesitate to make you, Pansy."
"Make. Me." She smirked, trailing a finger down his chest. "Make me moan your name da-"
Draco put his hands over the Hufflepuffs ears and spoke loudly. "Enough!"

Pansy shut up, her eyes wide in realization, he really didn't want her. "Get the fuck away from you, you whore. I've heard you getting it on with Blaise and just about every other guy in this damned school."
In humiliation, she whirled around and quickly made her way out of the library. When Draco finally uncovered {Y/N}'s ears, she was glaring at him. "Puff-"

"Bad." Was all she said, before tearing herself out of his grasp and matching her way back to the table, where she continued to study. Draco tilted his head back and groaned loudly, earning a giggle from {Y/N} and a glare from the librarian.

Rule #2.)   No swearing.

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